

•| »Royal curse«|•

He was a king fell for a slave,
she was a destinied fell for an empowered

Every night he would sneak and nobody would ever know,
when beings are sleeping,
their fantasies would bloom and flow....
Stylish and divine,
she looked fine
But to him he would
dream and fawn at
even one sight.
They were perfectly formed match,
but according to higher and lowers
that was the thrash
he was meant to be
she was pent fated,

Separated and denied,
his rage was beyond
sorrow she seemed donned,
days of fawning to be his bride,
the honour's pride was too big to be confied,

Love he would have,
was not fated to be on his palm and hands

Hate she would not have,
was bound to be tamed on her body and neck,

Adore they would share,
was meant to be broken on the threads of the world's teared care,

Dawn, he saw her
Donned inside a victorious lavender gown,
carrying a child of a man that nowhere near her couldn't be found.
His ocean deep trenching eyes stared
away she shyed,
Carriage carried on to move,
while she walked faster to be get not too up caught.

A beautiful, generous lady she saw
Placed next to him on the throne,
Blended together the crowd
she felt the best poisen,
one could ever taste,
the poisen of jealousy
one could ever relate,

She glared hurt on his silhouette,
Thier gazes met-matched,
He stared empty
she beared the hurt,

He, decoring the throne,
Black-red cloak,
Sea blue eyes
Built form
legs crossed,
jwellery complimenting his hands and neck.

She blended into the crowd
the most enchanting female to be found,
off shoulder wine coloured dress,
Raining cloud mirror grey eyes,
cherry lips,
jwellery adoring her neck
along with a pendent
that read his name.

Bolding and marking the fact,

“No matter where their body are placed
thier hearts will always belong together,,

Want a book on it?
Loving kind king,
Cold, beautiful, broken slave.

Please comment if you do

© The mysterious