

Live it..love it..leave it.. Chapter One
She never expected this to happen...it was just an ordinary day..she switched off her alarm as usual and prepared herself for the daily grind..even when she chose a blue dress to wear she had no idea what was waiting for her. She was used to her humdrum life and anything unusual was just another nuisance. we just get used to the predictable quality of our life..a homely..old chair is more comfortable than a fasionable sofa..
But...it was happenning to her..she picked up his call as usual with eagerness and anticipation. she asked him that question casually..so sure of his reply...well..life changes in a minute without any prelude or a back ground score..She was not made up of heroine stuff but destiny definitely had different plans for her..
she could still remember the arrogance in his voice..'yes..it seems comfortable..I am seriously thinking of getting commited to her'...that was just the beginning of a long story..the five year long courtship..was it a courtship? maybe she was imagining things..assuming as usual...is this the man whom she thought could make a brilliant partner? How can anyone become so insensitive over night?
It was a sunny day..the sky was brillintly coloured..cool breeze played with her hair..people were laughing and walking..she could distinctly hear the cracking of her world which she had painstakingly built over the years..
(to be contd.)
© nandini bose