

The Meteor Tragedy Finale
"No need ,I have a brilliant idea. " Tim said as he ran into the kitchen and brought out a glass jar.

"Nica , go and heat all the metallic things you can gather which can easily enter the jar on stove , bring them when they are red hot." Tim said.
Nica went straight to the kitchen.

"Harmon place this Jar near the last steps of the stairs. "

Harmon put the jar facing the stairs. The slime flowed into it and as it completely accumulated in it , Harmon closed the lid. The liquid dissolved the cheese and was trying to reach the lid , but was slipping on the walls of the glass jar.

Tim went in the kitchen and brought the heated items in a cloth with Nica.

"Open it !" Tim said Harmon opened it and they threw all the metallic things in the jar. Loud sizzling sound could be heard. Soon the slime evaporated and nothing was left of it .

The children looked at each other and then laughed for a moment , after which they heard footsteps and saw their father poking his face out of the bedroom door.

"What the hell are you kids doing at this time of night ! , Come on Harmon , at least you are old enough not to play with jars and spoons. How these Dumb and dopes were all born in my house! Go and sleep now. And put that things back at place , your mom's going to be very angry, if you don't." With this he closed the door and went to sleep.

The children cleaned up the mess and brought the blankets and pillows down in the hall where they enjoyed sleeping the rest of the night.

"And so the story ends, now you all please go and sleep or atleast let me...


...sleep." The Author said to his readers.

The End.

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