

The missing melody
The compliments I receive from other people are not new to me because I am popular in our school for being a guitarist. Other than a complete family, it seems like there is something missing in my life. Sometimes, I neglect my studies and often my friends are with me. My mom and dad are already separated, and they both have their own families. While me, maybe, playing the guitar is the only reason why I still choose to continue living.

"Caleb, you play the guitar very well. Do you want to join our group?" Mavis invited me. Mavis who is a vocalist and I admire her because of her beautiful voice. That's why I accepted her invitation but not because I wanted to join their group but I just wanted to be close to her.
"Caleb, learn the lyrics of these songs first so you can feel the guitar as you play it", said Mavis, causing my cheeks to blush.

We also rehearsed music and songs for two weeks. The music we came up with was amazing—It was so different from what I used to play. Sunday came—the day when we were to perform at their church. While I was playing the guitar, I watched the people around me. I saw everyone singing along—eyes closed and hands up. I also watched Mavis, she could feel every lyric of what she was singing. I felt a strange joy while playing the guitar until we finished, the smile on my face and the enthusiasm in my heart still did not disappear. "Mavis, next Sunday I want to play the guitar again and attend your church" I said smiling to Mavis. But this time I won't play the guitar for Mavis. I want to play the guitar to sing to God and use my talent to glorify Him.
© angie