

hi my name is Sarah and I'm going to be telling you how I went from sad to a Savage after my sister ruined my life I was nine years old when my sister grabbed my favorite doll and stepped on it breaking the whole entire doll I screamed at her I hate you that's just provoked her to keep on running my life when I was 11 and my sister was 12 she found out that I had a crush on a super cute boy at school so she decided to grab him and kiss him right in front of me she knew I had a crush on him and she just went to make me mad after I told my parents they grounded her for a whole month after that she made my life a living hell at school and at home when our parents are around she act like a little sweet angel with a soon as they leave she acts like a total different b****I finally had enough and set up hidden cameras all around the house so she tried to do anything I can easily just blackmail hurt and show it all to our parents she has already been sent to boarding school it wasn't hard for me to see exactly what boarding school she went to she went to a boarding school that will punish you even if you get raise your hand if you're not supposed to so I got it all the evidence I need it showed my parents and also sent the footage to the boarding school after two days the ones who came and took my sister away is you guys know my sister's name is Bianca Rose swearingenshe knew I said her up and she swore to me I would get my revenge I don't care when or how but you will pay and I said with a smirk on my face are you going to be able to give you your revenge if you are about to be stuck in boarding school after this happened my parents say thank you for getting rid of that burden we always wanted to send her back what she had evidence can I tell my parents I will find it and make sure every secrets you guys have will be safe and sound so after few minutes I want to see nothing in her room but when I look at her bed I saw a big box they said evidence of the family then I said are you serious this is like too easy so once I opened it my jaw almost dropped she had dirt on everyone her boyfriend her best friend the teachers the principal I'm just wondering how she got all this dirt on everyone and then I realize her best friend match he can hack into any type of security camera or anything he wants I like it has something to do with technology so she wants to use him so this is the part from when I turn from a sad lonely little girl to a Savage Queen all this dirt waste too much for me handle so I gave it in to the police the part about the principal in a teachers that was the part where they need to be towed so the teachers and the principal we're all in a secretly relationship and also ask a 14 year old girl to join your fun the girl did not know what's going to happen when she realized they threatened her if she said anything she would feel the whole year and repeat everything from there to the 6th grade so if you guys Wonder had turn to a Savage by me telling what happened all the people who was in brave than used by the teacher and the principal for now set free and everyone wants to be my friend.

so if you're wondering what is the moral of the story The more is don't be mean to your siblings and also don't stay quiet if something is wrong with you that just makes it worse