

In the depth of it all...
Despite it all we all go through heartbreak and tough times when it comes to love....but do we ever sit and think that maybe this is not what love is, being loved or in love is being able not to shed tears of heartache but tears of joy.

I met a guy who said he loved me with his whole being and will do everything for me but once we started our love story things changed, he proposed and ofcoz I said yes but the minute we started making wedding plans he took a wrong turn and showed me his true colours he always had excuses, never ready to plan or to busy.

As life went on I came to realise that drugs was his true love and that he would do anything to be high....

10 years later it was to late and we grow to hate each other I stayed because I had hope that he would change but he didn't things would be good for few months and than we would go back to all the fights and drugs. One day I woke up and decided that this is it its time to leave and that is exactly what I did because my self love was more important than some fake love story I thought would change and be a Cinderella ending, I am now healed and I know that loving myself is much more important and better and that after every storm there is a rainbow

Never settle for less 🙂