

The War
The thick layer of blood soaks the battle grounds
of where a coating of men and horses rot as the
flesh of the horse start to peel off their bones
as the dead body of men. That are rotten now
started to turn into a melochalny like state
there pale flesh gave off a wretched stentch
that stains the noses if you smell it like so
as few good men remain behind in the trench
they stand their ground. And wait to get
across the no man's land where a the pivet
of artillery fire from the heavy artillery canons
fire. And the blood soaks the wretched
grounds of where the bodies of men fell
and now it came to a stale mate both sides
tired and weary from fighting a war that
seems to have no end.
Amongst the men was Lance Corp. Ethan
Sawyer a specailist in tatical missions he
was to spy on the enemies movements and
wait for the perfect opportunity to attack
them when their defenses were down they
were to spy on them because their wire were
blown by the last attack; Ethan was just twenty
seven and good officer he got high in
the ranks. And he became an officer of the
special core of the majesty army and were
he stands today. Ethan decided to stand before
a barrel that had a fire to keep them warm
the year ends in few months; but the
war has not yet resceeded and Ethan was
getting tired of fighting. And so there he
stands before the barrel and before he was
testiment of his own time. Ethan was a good
person as will he had white pale skin that
attaches tightly against his bone structure in
his young man features of his body. And he
had a young looking face, and he had the
brown sheep wool outfit jacket with a
pair of shoulder straps that latch onto a
waist belt that had twelve pouches of storage
that they keep extra things in. Ethan had his
knapsack, and his flat brim tin helmet
waiting for a mission or the enemies attack
on them. And he had his 36t rifle with him
that he had with all the time he was
waiting as a major came to talk with him
the major came down about twelve miles
from the western end of the trench that
was twelve miles long to the end of it. The
Major came up to talk with Ethan for he had
a mission for it would seem like. And so
Ethan who was warming up his hands for
it a bitter day and it was a cold day as will the
major came up to Ethan and stops before
him. "Lance Corporal Ethan Sawyer you
be called to talk with the general." And the
major who seemed to have a thick gray
mustache, and a scotish acent over his
english one. And he waited for Ethan to
warm up for a little while "you know about?"
And the major turned his back to Ethan
as Ethan gathered his things and went to
follow the Major from behind. They were
down the long extension of the trench
passing each soldier as they go by and Ethan
was trying to load his rifle quickly as if
he was going on a mission with stleth and
very secretive and so Ethan follows from
behind the Major. And as the sun beats
down that starts to soak through his uniform
jacket that wool uniform jacket of his
outfit; he kept following the major as he
got ahead of Ethan though little ways to
go and Ethan had to stop for a moment
to get something from few mates to
get him going again, and it was mail
call he got a letter from his sister back
home that he had to read before following
the major.
Ethan puts the letter into his pocket he
stopped suddenly because a stretcher of a
body of a man who shot down by the
german bastards that storm and like an
invading force. Then he kept walking as
the stretcher went pass him he follows
the major some more he lost track where
he was going and where the major went
he then remembered that the general
bunker was down a ten miles west in
the direction where he was going and he
kept walking west down there. And so the
major seemed to be waiting long and so they
continue walking down the trench to the
generals bunker.
They had about ten miles to go and Ethan
was stopped as few men with some face
of sadness and grief on them. And then there
was a crowd of men waiting for their mail
and the major and Ethan push their way
through; to get to the other side.
"Hey watch were you going you cheeky bastard?"
"I'm sorry?" As Ethan was stopped for a
moment by few soldiers who didn't like
to have him pushing his way through.
"I've to get to general Braxton bunker for some
urgent news." - "Yeah what is a little special
shit like you doing with the general?" Then
the major turns around and grabs hold
of the man who stands before Ethan
trying to figure out his weakness so he
can attack it. "Coporal come?" And Ethan
pushes his way pass the men, and followed
the major some more then they were in
the clear they were about eight miles out
to the generals bunker. They were about six
miles out from the generals bunker Ethan
see's the men's faces down further in the
trench he see's that stressed out looked as if
their bodies have been stripped from fear
of knowing what war is really about. Ethan and
the major were about five miles out they've
come this far, and then he see's few black
men walk right by him. And they had the same
face that fearful face because the western
end of the trench keeps getting hit by the
bombardments of the rapid artillery blast that
try to pentrate the western side of the trench.
Ethan and the Major reach the generals bunker
safely the Major stops to turn back to look at
Ethan he grabs hold of Ethan's arm. "Don't fuck
it up?" Ethan looks at the major and nods at
him then the major nods back and takes his
leave from Ethan and walks back down to the
eastern side. Ethan walks into the general bunker
he was met by Lt. General Ryans who steps
before Ethan and he had a thick gray mustache
a scrawny looking man who was the generals
right hand man who had tatical mission
experience, and he stands before Ethan and
the Lt. General does a strip search on Ethan
to make sure he isn't carrying anything
that he shouldn't be.
"Can I get your rank, and your name?"
"Lance Corp. Ethan Sawyer I'm here to
talk with General Braxton"
"For what cause and what purpose do
you have with the general today?"
"A mission the major said he has a
special mission that I must seek out
And the Ryans looks back at the general
who was standing over a table of a map
of his outfits Ethan was let in, and then
he salutes the general.
"At ease Coporal" and Ethan stands in
attention and the general nods so Ethan can
rest. "So tell me how good are you at
speaking the language of the enemy?"
"Fine sir just a little better than my french"
"Good that'll do? Tell me how do you fair
when you are in a tight situation that you
can't get out of." Ethan thought about it he
didn't know what the general was getting at
and so he was confused about it.
"Sir what you mean?" And the general
twitches Ethan to come over to his
map table to look at the map. "The rumor has
it that the germans have occupied and
taken refuge in the town of Merloe' a town
that is about fifteen miles northwest in
that direction. So your mission is to take the
town of Merol, and wait for back up from
the men from the seventh company that
is the Devins core. Is that clear?" "Yes sir
but if the germans have occupied the
town, and by the looks of it seems to be
a small farming town." And the general
see's Ethan point it out on the map and
the general nods along as he was showing
the general where to go in the town.
"Yes exactly it's a cattle town alot of cattle
farms but the town is small enough to
hold easily. And to take back to but if you
are somehow discovered or found out
then god have mercy on your soul is that

© The realist