

If I could be invisible for one day.
If I could be invisible for one day,
The world would be my playground to play
No one would see me, no one would know
The possibilities would endlessly flow

I'd start my day with a mischievous grin
No one to stop me, no one to win
I'd sneak into places I've never been
And see what secrets they hold within

I'd ride on the back of a soaring bird
And travel to places I've always heard
I'd swim with dolphins, dance with the stars
And race with cheetahs, no bars

I'd visit the ones I hold dear
And whisper sweet words in their ear
They'd wonder where it came from, who said
And I'd smile, knowing it was me instead

I'd go to the top of the tallest tower
And feel the wind's gentle power
I'd shout from the rooftops, my voice unheard
But in my heart, it'd be clearly heard

I'd go to the streets and lend a hand
To those in need, to those who stand
I'd spread love and kindness without a trace
For the joy of giving, not for a face

As the day comes to an end
I'd reflect on all the fun I did spend
For one day I was free, no one to judge
No expectations, no labels, no grudge

But as the sun begins to set
I'd realize, it's a power I'll never forget
For with invisibility comes great responsibility
To use it for good, and not for frivolity

And as the day comes to a close
I'd thank the universe for this little dose
For one day I was invisible, but truly seen
And in that day, I lived my dream.
© M2024