

The cursed song 2 Dodo Titi
once upon a time in a town near the ocean.

lived a little girl named Mary. she loved to break and steal her brothers toys.

she hated sharing and always refused to go to sleep when her parents told her too.

one night when the sky's were clear and not a sound could be heard except for the splashing of waves.

the parents were beside themselves cause no matter what they did mary would not go to sleep on time.

then while the parents were outside talking a strange man walked towards them and said " hello I was walking by when I overheard your issue if your child won't sleep sing them this song and out they will go".

the parents were confused as the man walked way after giving them a torn old piece of paper with a lullaby written on it.

the parents looked at eachother and with a single nod of their heads decided to give the song a try.

they went back in grabbed mary and started to sing.

after a few minutes mary was asleep the parents couldn't believe it.

after that night they would sing the lullaby.

2 months later

the night was calm again and Mary's parents started to sing again. when mary fell asleep her parents went off to bed. during the night while everyone slept the parents woke up to a loud crash they ran out their room to see a big hole in their wall they ran towards Mary's and her brothers room only to see the son in the corner crying and saying a crab ate mary and ran away.

as the mother stayed with the son the father ran out the house and looked around but couldn't see a thing he screamed Mary's name but no answer.

to this day mary was never found.

Sweet sleep, mommy’s little one,
Sweet sleep, daddy’s little one.
If you do not sleep, the crab will eat you.
If you do not sleep, the crab will eat you.
Your daddy’s away he’s at the river,
Your mommy’s away getting firewood.
If you do not sleep, the crab will eat you.
If you do not sleep, the crab will eat you.

Sweet sleep, mommy’s little one,
Sweet sleep, daddy’s little one.
If you do not sleep, the crab will eat you.
If you do not sleep, the crab will eat you.
Your mommy’s away she’s at the river,
Your daddy’s away he’s trapping crabs.
If you do not sleep, the crab will eat you.
If you do not sleep, the crab will eat you.
Sleep, little one,
Crab’s in the gumbo.
Sleep, little one!
Crab’s in the gumbo.