

Mr detective
On December 31 1982 at 11:59 pm in London

Robert:-Elena you have to listen to this

Elena:- Tell me fast, we are entering into a new year in 1 minute

Robert:- I know you like me very much, but I have to do this

Elena:- what you have to do?

Robert checks his watch (Time 11:59:50 Pm)


Elena: haha, you want to wish me at the exact time right

Robert gives Elena a chocolate, Elena eats the chocolate and faints on the road, Robert slowly moves into the dark.

The entire world is busy celebrating New year Eve.

Three drunkards walk in the street and one drunkard falls on the road by hitting Elena's body  the other drunkard checks Elena breathe they found that Elena has died.

At that time one policeman follows the drunkards as they look suspicious.

Policeman:- you people stop(calls drunkards)

Drunkard1(Peter):- it's time

Drunkard 2(Slamen):- on my count 3.2.1..run

three drunkards start running and hit a car ,the car stops and Robert comes out from the car.

Policeman:- Sir catch them, I followed them as they look suspicious and when I called those people they ran away, I think something is wrong

Robert:- from which location you are following them

Policeman:- come with me sir, I will show you

Robert:- handcuff them and lock them in the car, handcuffs are available in my back seat

Policeman handcuffs the three drunkards and locks the car door

Policeman finds Elena dead body and informs Robert.

Robert calls the police station and informs the situation.

Robert and the policeman after seeing the dead body walks towards the drunkards

Policeman:- who killed her? why you people killed her? why are you escaping from me?

Drunkard3(Polin):-I will answer your questions but tell me who is that person you are taking orders from?

Policeman:- why I need to answer you bloody drunkard

Robert:- don't curse them, I will answer your question.

Polin:- don't act too smart?

Robert:- I am the detective of this town who landed in London from Paris yesterday.

Polin:- Happy new year policeofficer and Mr detective , Welcome to the London.


© Vamsi Krishna