

Darkside of the mind crimes- Dirty beggar part 4
Dear Diary,

Today I write to you in hopes to find some escape.. It ain't as bad as I thought to have the Chief as a partner, eventhough some of my colleagues giggle a bit about me being "grounded".
I don't care as much about it though I solved more cases then they ever did anyways.. One day I might get promoted and then I want to see who is laughing then..

Anyway enough of my ego and the stupidity of other people let's get it on with what happend. First we had a few random phone calls on the tip line. First we had some heavy breathing, second we heard what we assume could be a voice recording of a victim pleading for the pain to stop.. It still send shivers down my spine. The third was an awful gagging noise the whole time and the fourth was dead silence..

Teams were put on to trace these calls. They sortof wasted their time as I know it came from pay phones. However knowing the locations might show a pattern and also the area where our killer might be in, but they are to clever to get caught and too obvious. They want to waste our time.

The fifth call was the one that broke us the most.. The signs they had were quoted and also another one was added. The killer has uttered these words:

"I am pretty yet no one adored me, I wasn't appreciated and treated well. I had nothing and it is just as well.... "

Something spooked them as it felt like the quote didn't end as the words they fell silent to quickly. With their device they used to disguise their voice one still can't say what gender they are.. We went to every address and checked for camera's and the chief order to dust for fingerprints. Which was pointless in my opinion.

However the last payphone was very interesting. Bloodsmeers on the buttons and the booth looked disgusting. A search was conducted in the area... The killer really seemed to enjoy themselfs on this one.. Posters were found with the final quote of the words they utterd over the phone.. This made the whole team uneasy. We found a small abandoned warehouse and there was a lot of these posters there as if we were playing a game of hot and cold..

We entered the building and an immediate stench overwelmed us. In the empty place there she was.. A sick display piece of the killer yet again. But she was different. It is probably the killers first kill and start of the experiment to kill. She hung from the ceiling. She was just in her underwear poor women.. Her clothing was laying on the floor and full of blood. The floor ironically was clean around her and some scary stuff could be seen on her body.

They probably gotten tired of hiding their prized possession she became more of a problem to them as anticipated and this is the perfect thing to distract us with.. The sign was oddly dumped in a bin suggesting that they didn't find pride in killing her nor what they utterd. Probably a possible acquaintance of the killer.

Then the sign said:

"I am pretty yet no one adored me, I wasn't appreciated and treated well. I had nothing and it is just as well that my saddened death came and I am free.."

I am quite stressed about tomorrow though as the chief haven't spoken a word with me on the scene and just ordered me to see him in his office tomorrow.. This killer has an obsession with freedom and it is working on my nerves...

© The cube said it