

Delhi Story Series Part I
Recently I went to delhi owing to a medical emergency. After everything was taken care of, I got 3 days to travel around and witness the beauties of the Capital City of India. If my life was a pizza, the events I witness would be a slice each. I would like to share them with you because sharing is caring.

◆ The Chamber of Secrets:

Travelled to the Central Secretariat station by Delhi Metro and then by foot, we reached the last point accessible to general public. Sun was about to set and I got a great view of the Chamber of Secrets standing tall in all its glory. The Rashtrapati Bhavan. Not so far away was the Old Parliament House. I call it the Chamber of Secrets because not everyone is permissible to access the interiors of either of them.

◆ Kartavya Path (~fan meet):

Then we walked down the Kartavya Path towards our destination. We as in me and my friend and a famous writer, Anirudh Gupta. Even before stepping a foot on the Kartavya Path, I was well aware of my duties as a fan, an admirer and a follower. It was my duty to meet and greet him while I was in Delhi. And ofcourse take an autograph.

◆ An Invaluable Gift:

On the way, we saw people in bear and Mickey Mouse costumes entertaining kids and people around. A smile, a gift, a cure to the exhaustion and this monotonous life. Not all heros wear capes, some wear bear costumes, I thought. I dropped a ₹20 note in the box they had but felt like no amount of money was enough to pay them back for the deed they are doing.

◆ Hide & Seek:

Some more time passed, we kept walking, the sun went down. It was time for the moon to rise and shine. But she was in no mood of showing her face. She kept playing hide-n-seek with the clouds and us. Looking up, I smiled. I call her Momma Moon (previous name of my writing id was Moon Knight).

◆ The Tricolored Portal:

Finally we reached our destination. India Gate. It looked beautiful. But if you look beyond the lights and sparkles, you'll see the names of 70,000 Indian soldiers inscribed on it. The soldiers who lost their lives fighting for the British Army during the World War I. The entire arch stands on a low base of red Bharatpur stone and rises in stages to a huge moulding. India Gate commeomorates the Indian Soldiers. But what if this gate was a portal to a land of unknown origin? A land where the martyrs rest.

◆ Fountain of Life:

After travelling in the crowded Delhi Metro and walking distances of around 3 km, we saw the statue of Netaji, my hands trembled as I went to click a photo of him, standing near his feet. We then found a quite place and sat down on the grass, looking at the sky and the moon. We were exhausted. The fountain of life rejuvenated our exhausted selves with it and its surrounding area's alluring and mystical panorama.

Half an hour later, we got up and headed back home.


© TheMaskedIdiot