

The Silencer 3
Chapter 3 - The King's Eye Fire
"How many people have been..um..ah..murdered for you, Madeline?" I asked as our dormmates huddled together on the couch.

"F-f-fo-four!" She sobbed.

"F-five now including, Faith." Asher corrected, tears clouding his eyes.

"Oh I'm so sorry Madeline, from the looks of it you seem like a really good friend, and I wouldn't wish this on any of my friends back home."

"Th-thank you." She stuttered.

"I know that this should be a sentimental moment," I started.

"But we need to figure out why this is happening because apparently, the police have nothing under control,"

"They don't even know why the silencer is doing this!" I exclaimed capturing everyone's attention.

"I hate to say it, but she's right Mads," Lyla replied.

"You know the saying, 'Once is an Accident, Twice is a coincidence, Three times is a Pattern'," Lyla stated.

"I think that the murders have something to do with you Madeline or he wouldn't have killed....ugh..um or your friends wouldn't be deceased," I said, cautiously.

"Y-you're r-right, We need to find out why this is happening to our friends." She sniffled.

"Ohk, can you tell me when the murders began or anything that you didn't tell me?" I asked.

"Well you already know that my cousin, Carl Smith, is the first one to get murdered in his dorm, dorm Alpha, he died at the start of last month," She began

"Then there was Lizzie Stevens, I didn't know her well, but she was in Carl's dorm, she died only a week after." She continued.

"Mike Lewis, one of my good friends, died in Dorm Gamma three days after Lizzie,"

"We all thought that the killings stopped because it's been three weeks since the last murder,"

"We were wrong though because last night, Chancellor Ingred's grandson, Mylo Ingred who is in dorm Delta, died at the Main Hall,"

"That is why you saw the gathering this morning. F-faith H-Harvey is...was next, she w-was in Dorm Eta." She ended with a sob.

Allie went over to comfort her along with Asher and Austin.

Lyla stood still.

"Is there anything at all that they had in common?" I dug.

I know that I was being slightly insensitive,

Okay very insensitive, but it just wasn't the time to sit around mourning.

My father always told me, that when we fall we have to pick ourselves up quickly or we'll get trampled.

"No, they were five very different students," Allie replied.

"Anything that their parents or grandparents had in common, something that they experienced, or went through together?" I pressed.

"W-wait,..um, Carl's mother, Mike's uncle, and my mom were in the King's Eye fire!" Madeline acknowledged.

"But what about Lizzie and Faith?" I interrogated.

"Faith, did say that she nearly lost someone close in this school, and Lizzie would avoid the king's ruins like the plague, but I don't know." She said thoughtfully.

"Um hello! dimwits you can find out who was in the fire in the yearbook." Lyla deadpanned.

"Of course!" Asher shouted.

We all stopped to look at him, It's the first time I heard the shy boy speak up.

We all chuckled at his blushing face until I became serious again.

"Madeline and I can go, the rest of you can head off to Faith's..um... Dorm, and see if you find out more about it," I ordered.

"Wait, hold up, who placed Miss new girl in charge?" Lyla asked.

"I'm not in charge of anyone, I just have some former experience with these kinds of things." I sassed.

"Let's just do this guys, for Faith and Madeline," Austin suggested.

We all left the building, Madeline and I headed our separate way, while the others headed to Dorm Iota.

We arrived at Alkanzer library shortly after.

The library was huge.

It looked like it came from some old kingdom to how fancy the interior and exterior are.

It had a high ceiling, with cream walls.

Huge white columns with gold designs are placed where the enormous buildings needed them the most.

Multiple white benches and tables are scattered everywhere.

On one side of the stunning building, two librarians are seated.

The cream-colored bookshelves blended nicely with the porcelain tiles.

Over the books were differently labelled for the lanes.

"The yearbooks are right down this lane," Madeline pointed.

We both went down the 'Y' lane and soon came upon the endless amount of yearbooks.

"How do we know which one to pick?" I asked.

"It is most possibly in the one with the year that it happened?" She said skeptically.

"Well, what year is that?" I asked.

"I believe it's 2016." She answered.

We both looked for the yearbook 2016 until we found it.

We headed for a place to sit as Madeline opened the dusty abandoned book.

Madeline started coughing viciously after she dusted off the page.

"Ahem, So um... It says here, wait, this page is about the graduates hold on," she stumbled.

"Ahah!, here it is, So as I've told you before twenty-two people were in the fire, twelve people died and ten people survived." She began.

"You said that someone for each of the victims was in the King's eye fire, so maybe we should be looking for the survivors right?" I asked.

"Probably, well it says right here the ten who survived, Catherine Smith, Richard Lewis, Emily Stevens, Chancellor Ingred, Hope Hathaway, Bella Parks, Andrew White, Carlos Blueburn, Sir Marcel, and Angelica Jolee." She listed, gasping for air after reading the whole thing in one breath.

"Is there any relation to anyone at this, School? Well, it's not rocket science to know that Carl, Mike, Mylo, and Lizzie have people that were in the fire, but who else?" I pushed.

"Well, Hope Hathaway was Faith's Aunt, Wait a second, Bryer, do you remember when I told you that the girl who found out that the Silencer is a guy?" She asked.

"Well yeah, it was pretty hard to forget actually, but why is that important?" I interrogated.

"It says here in the book, that Ben Parks was a survivor!" She exclaimed.

"And? What does that have to do with anything?" I questioned.

"Rose Parks was the girl's name she is Ben Park's younger cousin!" She shrieked.

"So it wasn't an overdose then, she was murdered." I thought.

"How do you know that for certain?" I questioned.

"Well, she normally brings him to entrance day for school, she used to live in Dorm Zeta," She explained.

"He used to work here during the time my mom did, and it lists the relatives right here!" She said pointing to the page with the relatives.

"That's great! well, not so great since she died but, it's great for others," I said.

"We can find out who these people are related to at this school now!" I shouted a little too loudly as the librarians gave me a look that told me to shut up."

"Look here, It says, Angelica Jolee has a younger sister Angel Jolee. I know Angel she loves in the Dorm Theta in the Perfoming sector," She said.

"Andrew White is related to Aloe White she is in Dorm Iota, in the perfoming sector as well,"

"Carlos Blueburn is Micheal and Michell Blueborn's grandfather, he's in Dorm Kappa... " she stopped hurriedly.

"What is it, Madeline?"

"Sir Marcel, has no relatives? I thought that the silencer is killing the relatives of the survivors?" She answered.

Thanks for reading ❤️
#silencer #clues #killer #murderer #staysafe #mystery #thriller
© Gabrielle Collins