

Artesian The Prince
Kia: (Tears streaming down her face) But our families' honor, sister. It is a weight that bears heavily upon my heart. How can I go against their wishes?

Act I, Scene I: Artesian's Chambers

[Artesian is pacing back and forth in his chambers, deep in thought. Enter Kia.]

Kia: My love, why do you fret so? Your lovely countenance betrays a troubled soul.

Artesian: Kia, my dear, I am torn between duty and desire. My heart yearns for another, yet our families demand this union.

Kia: Duty binds us, but love can conquer all. Who is this other that claims your heart?

Artesian: A maiden fair, whose beauty rivals the moon. Her name is Leela, and she possesses a spirit that ignites a flame within me.

Kia: (Her heart sinking) Leela? But she is not of noble birth, you are a prince and her family has not the standing to match ours.

Artesian: It matters not, Kia. Love knows no boundaries of caste or class. It is a force that defies all logic and reason.

Kia: (Tears welling up) And what of our families' honor, Artesian? Shall we forsake tradition for mere love?

Artesian: I cannot deny the weight of our legacy, but my heart aches at the thought of a life devoid of true love. Can you not understand my plight?

Kia: (With a heavy heart) I do, my love. I understand the torment you bear. But we are but pawns in this game of fate, bound by the ties of our ancestors.

Act I, Scene II: Kia's Chambers

[Kia is alone in her chambers, her mother, Sophia and sister, Delia enter.]

Sophia: Kia, my child, and princess, we must speak of this matter at hand. Your Artesian's heart seems to wander astray.

Kia: Mother, his heart is entangled in the threads of love, a love that is not meant for me. (she sobs)

He yearns for another!

Delia: (With concern) Kia, do not let his love for another dim your own worth. You are deserving of love and devotion.

Kia: (Tears streaming down her face) But our families' honor, sister. It is a weight that bears heavily upon my heart. How can I go against their wishes? Yet, a marriage where love does not exist is empty, nothing and is doomed to failure.

Sophia: Kia, my dear, we must not let our emotions cloud our judgment. Think of the future and the dynasty that awaits us. Our family's royal name and honor must be preserved.

Act II, Scene I: The Royal Gardens

[Artesian and Kia meet in the royal gardens, surrounded by blossoming flowers. Their faces are etched with longing and sorrow.]

Artesian: (Taking Kia's hands in his) Kia, my love, I cannot bear to see you suffer. I am torn between duty and desire, between the heart and mind.

Kia: (Her voice trembling) Artesian, your heart may yearn for another, but our duty binds us to a different path. We cannot deny the call of our families.

Artesian: (With a mixture of pain and determination)

Perhaps it is true, my love, that we are but pawns in a grand design. Our families demand our union, and you know we should heed their call.

Kia: (Fighting back tears) Farewell, Artesian...

[They part ways, their hearts heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires.]

Act III, Scene I: The Wedding Ceremony

[The grand wedding ceremony is underway, everywhere there is a display of opulent wealth, decorations and a great, joyful, festive atmosphere.

Artesian and Kia stand at the altar, their eyes avoiding each other.]

Priest: Do you, Artesian, take Kia as your lawfully wedded wife,

Artesian: (Looking at Kia, his voice trembling) I do.

Priest: And do you, Kia, take Artesian as your lawfully wedded husband?

[Kia hesitates for a moment, her heart torn between love and duty.]

Kia: (With a heavy heart, barely audible) I... I do.

[The crowd erupts into applause as the priest pronounces them husband and wife. The festivities continue, but a deep cloud of sadness hangs over Artesian and Kia.]

Act IV, Scene I: Artesian's Chambers

[Artesian is alone in his chambers, staring blankly into the distance. He is tormented by the choice he made, haunted by the ghost of his true love, Leela. Enter Leela, looking quite forlorn.]

Leela: (Whispering) Artesian, my love, why did you forsake our love? Why did you choose duty over your true heart's desire?

Artesian: (In anguish) Leela, in the deepest depths of my soul, I am truely burdened with regret. I am trapped in a loveless marriage, unable to escape the chains of tradition.

Leela: (Her voice filled with sorrow) Oh, Artesian, our love was meant to transcend all boundaries, But now, we are left with just shattered dreams and broken promises.

Artesian: (Falling to his knees) I am a prisoner of my own choices, completely bound by the chains of honor and duty.

I thought I could find happiness in fulfilling my obligations, but my heart yearns for you still.

Leela: (Her voice filled with longing) And my heart aches for you, Artesian. But we are left with nothing but a forbidden love, a love that can never be.

Act IV, Scene II: Kia's Chambers

[Kia is alone in her chambers, her face stained with tears. She clutches a letter in her hands, written by Artesian, confessing his undying love for Leela. Enter her mother.]

Sophia: (Noticing Kia's distress) My dear child, what troubles you so?

Kia: (Her voice trembling) Mother, I have received a letter from Artesian. He confesses his love for another, for Leela.

Sophia: (Gasping) This cannot be! Our family's honor is at stake. We cannot allow this scandal to tarnish our reputation and name.

Kia: (With a mixture of anger and heartbreak) Mother, what about my happiness? What about the dreams and desires of my heart?

Mother: (Firmly) Kia, you must put aside your own desires for the sake of our family. Our legacy is at stake, and we cannot let love cloud our judgment.

[Kia's sister enters the room, her face filled with concern.]

Delia: Mother, we cannot force Kia to live a life devoid of love and happiness. Is our honor worth more than her well-being and happiness?

Sophia: (Frustrated) Our honor is everything, daughter. We cannot let mere emotions rule over reason.

Act V, Scene I: The Palace Courtyard

[Artesian stands alone in the palace courtyard, his heart heavy with grief. Enter Kia, her eyes filled with determination.]

Kia: (With a mix of anger and sadness) Artesian, I have read your letter. You have shattered my heart, but I understand the chains that bind us.

Artesian: (voice filled with remorse) Kia, I never meant to hurt you. I am like a slave of royalty, trapped in a loveless marriage that torments my soul.

Kia: (Resolute) I release you from your vows, Artesian. I cannot bear to see you suffer, nor can I live a life where love is absent.

I won't do it, the wear
on my heart is terrible...

Artesian: (Touched by her selflessness) Kia, you are the epitome of grace, love, compassion and understanding. I am forever indebted to you.

[Leela appears, she was
near and overheard the conversation.]

Leela: (Her voice gentle) Artesian, you have chosen honor and duty, but your heart is mine. Fear not the conventions that bind us, for true love knows no boundaries.

Artesian: (In awe) Leela, is it possible for our love to transcend the rules that govern our world?

Leela: (Smiling) Love has the power to break free from the chains of tradition, to create a new path where hearts are allowed to follow their true desires.

[Kia watches them, her heart aching yet filled with a deep, sad understanding.]

Kia: Artesian, Leela, follow your hearts and be true to the love you share. I release you both from the burden of my honor and bid you farewell.

[Artesian and Leela share a glance of gratitude, their souls intertwining in a bittersweet dance.]

Artesian: Kia, your sacrifice will never be forgotten by me. May you somehow find happiness in a world where love is not always bound by duty.

Leela: Kia, your generosity knows no bounds. We shall carry your spirit with us, honoring the love that brought us together.

[Artesian and Leela walk away, hand in hand, their love unconstrained by societal expectations. Kia watches them go, tears streaming down her face, but a glimmer of hope shines in her eyes.]

Kia: (Whispering to the wind)

May their love be a beacon of light in a world that needs it. And lord, may I find the strength to forge my own path, where my heart's desires can flourish.

[The curtain falls, leaving Kia standing alone...

A symbol of resilience and the power of true selflessness.]

© Charles Kemp