

The Soul Journey.
The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back.
I am on a journey without a destination, just flowing with the flow of my thoughts and instincts, hoping I get to a desired end.
This journey started long ago, in the mind of a 10yrs old me, I kept wondering what lies beyond the bushes, that always block my view of the world.
Then it persists, even after devouring knowledge of the different climes and geography of the earth, I still feel dissatisfied within my heart.
This is not another dude on a discovery path, but I set to recover my tracks. To know more of the soul within me, that has been troubling me to set it free.
I think every human should set out on this journey, the lost, the found, and those in between. It's not the typical journey to discover the self, but a journey to see different dimensions of the self.
© Toobrightanthony