

Character Sheet Phara Wolf Charater

Name: Phara
Age: 5 years Old
Hair color and style: Pure white, and long
Eye color: Blue
Complexion and skin tone: pink
Character’s body build: Medium
Character back story: One night I had a dream of pack of wolves, and the story just came to me as I wrote so I really don't have a background for her nore an of my characters within my story I am making it up as I go. I don't Rp nor will I so I will do my best to come up with back storys when I can unless I have permission to use a character from RP, or another writer here wishes to help me fill out each sheet from a character they have and I can credit them in the story afterwards if they wish.
Identifying marks:
Facial features:
Hand features: is not human so will use teeth or claws, nose
Mannerisms or gestures:
Strongest personality traits:
Weakest personality traits:
Needs of the character: Mother, co leader, caring for her cubs, her pack, food, water, ect

Father’s name:Christopher Finn Barnet (* This was found the internet though a name gen as I hadn't thought this far ahead) all names found on internet and may or may not change if I see fit and if I don't like the name or otherwise
Type: Adult
Nationality: American
Location: Concord, North Carolina, United States
Language: English
Life & Times
Age: 23
Birth date: September 9, 1998 (3:22 AM)
Physical His fur is white all year round, his coat is smooth, silky, and even has an thick under coat for the cold for winter, but will shed in spring and turn brown so that he can blend into his envorment and so he can stay hiding from his prey which are as we all know humans and polar bears. His tail is bushy and his legs are long givng him the appearance he is lanky. His paws or feet are large, with none retrackedable claws. His fore feet or paws have five toes and the hind paws or feet ony have four. His scull is broud while his face and ears are well defined. HIs ears are slightly round, and his face is slightly less pointed. They are considered to be a no conern of threat unless is eviromental, or otherwise.
Height: ( *9 178 cm / 5 ft 10 in if human)
Weight: 34- 46 Kg (* 9 74 kg / 162 lbs)
Handedness: Right
Blood type: O+
Future Outlook
Death date: February 13, 2078 (9:30 PM)
Lifespan: 79
Cause of death: Cancer

readers note (* means if he was a human but not he's a wolf) Also I need to save all info on my own charachter sheets I got from google play and will take time to fill out each character by hand or type out so please be awhere and all permission will be asked for ahead of time, and it could take some time for those persons or person to get back to me. Thank you for understanding. And again please don't take, use, or otherwise as theese are my characters and I don't like it when people don't ask. And are not for use or sale. Or for RP or otherwise. Unless you ask first before hand.

Mother’s name: Caecilia Modesty Boon
Gender: Feminine
Type: Adult Wolf
Nationality: Italian
Location: Sicily, Italy
Language: Italian
Life & Times
Age: 42 not human
Birth date: April 5, 1979 (6:45 AM)
Height: See Artic wolf above ( *161 cm / 5 ft 4 in)
Weight: ( *56 kg / 123 lbs)
Handedness: Right
Blood type: A-
Future Outlook
Death date: November 17, 2052 (1:35 PM)
Lifespan: 73
Cause of death: Cancer
Physical appearance: see above ^

Readers notes * and ^ as above for clarfied

Sibling’s names and descriptions:
Favorite sayings:
Interests and hobbies:
Favorite foods:
Favorite colors:
Financial situation:
Future plans:
Possessions this character values most:
What drives your character:
How does your character handle conflict:
What is standing in your character’s way:
What is their favorite room and why:
What vehicle do they drive: not human so what do you think
Favorite sport(s):
What are your character’s prejudices:
How does your character feel about love: shows that it love its pack, and partner or siblings, ect.
About crime: does not like it
What is their neighborhood like: See story
What is your character’s philosophy on life: out look so far with story as it is good
What is your character’s family life like: out looks as above sentence.

Readers note I found this on a website I am in the process of contacting her for use of this charater sheet so this is a fax sim. Please don't take, and don't reuse for your own till i have permission from author for use. all characters within story are mine, please ask to use if doing a rp. I will hammer out my own details first as I go, and for that I may need other writers help as I don't nor will not rp. so if you can contrubite to any info i may miss, or have wrong, or otherwise, please don't yell at me and comment within the comments and any help or credit or otherwise please let me know so I can add you to my accaligments or what have you. Thank you. See any ( ), *, ^ for reader notes.

© Ghostwriter Phoenix