

The jealous man
It is always seen and heard that a women is jealous and its natural. But men also can be jealous. It can be about love,affection or about money.
There was a boy named Thomas. He was a school boy. He had a friend called Gabe. He was jealous of his every work either its good or bad. Everyone thoght it was his nature. But things got worst as he grew up. His parents were also worried about him. They passed their education from the same place. Time passed and their distance got expanded. They were different businessman with well established. But still he was jealous. He thought that he was his business rival. So he tried to kill him. Seeing this Thomas' parents went to a phycologist to sort out his problem. The doctor said"He got it by birth. It's the fault of nature but it would not be so much if you guided him well" The parents asked"How is that?"
Doctor again said"You should have cared about him,give him more time than your work.It also happens because of introverity."
The parents were really shocked after hearing the doctor.They now remembered about their past years when they neglected their son's problem. They asked"Is there any kind of treatment?"
The doctor said"We can do his counsiling,but there is no guarantee of when he will get well." They agreed about his saying and started his treatment.
His parents were ashamed about their son's actions and begged for forgiveness to Gabe. He had to suffer much because of Thomas. Gabe consoled them for their loss.
Jealousy is also a part of our life. Through its bad but we are all humans. We can control it either its for relationship or anything else.
"Man with jealousy is more dangerous than others"

[Tasmia Jahan]