

Hiro gets beat up on the second day of school
Hiro and Tadashi were walking to school, and Hiro hopes he doesn't see Astrid and her friends. " Alright, enjoy your second day of school." Tadashi said, " Yo Tadashi!" Derrick said, " Well, I'm going to my friend's, wanna come?" Tadashi asked, " No thanks.." Hiro said, * Tadashi walks over to his friends* " Yo, who's that?" Coner asked, " Guys did you forget?" Tadashi asked, " Oh right, that's your brother Hiro." Robert said, " Dose he have friends?" James asked, " No not yet." Tadashi said, " I feel bad." Jake said, " Guys, he will find friends." Tadashi said, * The bell rings* " How about Hiro joins us." Coner said, " We're older than him, he might think it's wired." Tadashi said, * During 1st period* " Hey look, his brother isn't here." Astrid said, * Shuves Hiro* " Leave me alone." Hiro said, " Aww, he wants us to leave him alone, how about you go cry to your mama." Astrid said, * Astrid and he friends laughs at him* " Hey, shush!" Mrs. Bellweather said, * The bell rings* " Cry babay!" Bri said, * Astrid Shuves him to the ground* " Aww look, he needs his mama." Astrid said, " No I don't!" Hiro said, * Astrid grabs his backpack* " Give that back!" Hiro said, * Astrid and her friends are trowing his backpack to each other* " Give it back!" Hiro said, " Come and get it loser!" Astrid said, * Hiro tries to get his backpack* " Hey think fast!" Bri said, * Trows the ball at Hiro's face* " Aww his nose is bleeding, go cry to your mommy." Astrid said, * Everyone states laughing at him* " Who are they laughih at?" Coner asked, * Tadashi and his friends saw Hiro ran passed* " Hiro what's wrong?" Tadashi asked, * The bell rings* " Let's head to class." James said, * During 2nd period* " Hiro, you're late." Mr. Robertson said, " I'm sorry.." Hiro said, * Sits down* " Pst Hiro, what happened?" Tadashi asked, " I don't want to talk about it." Hiro said, " Boys, is here something you want to share?" Mr. Robertson asked, " No sir." Tadashi said, * 20 minutes later* " Remember tomorrow you are going to make a book, an actual book. You guys will start tomorrow." Mr. Robertson said, * Everyone packs up* " Hey Hiro." Bri said, " What do you want?" Hiro asked, * Bri poors water all over Hiro* " Oops." Bri said, * Everyone laughs* " I got that on record." Astrid said, " Post it." Bri said, " Just did." Astrid said, * The bell rings and Hiro ran out* " Hiro wait!" Tadashi said, * Runs after him* " Now everyone in the whole school knows." Astrid said, * During lunch* " Cheak it out, Hiro is a poor loser, and hes a fool." Astrid said, " Leave me alone, I didn't nothing to you!" Hiro said, * Walks away* " Come on girls." Astrid said, " Hiro are you okay?" Tadashi asked, * Looks at him* " Come hang out with me and the boys." Tadashi said, " Yeah." Tadashis friends said, " I'm good." Hiro said, " Come on, we insisted." Tadashi said, " No, it's okay, I want to be alone.." Hiro said, * Bumps into Astrid and food gets on here* " WHACH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!!!!!" Astrid shouted, " I am so sorry!" Hiro said, " You are going to get it after school!" Astrid said, " Hey, he said he's sorry leave him alone!!" Coner said, " Who asked you?" Astrid asked, * Shuves Hiro* " I saw that." Mr. Daniels said, " I was messing with him." Astrid said, " Help him up." Mr. Daniels said, * Lifs him up aggressively* " Don't make me catch you again." Mr. Daniels said, * During last period* " We are looking for students to do broadcasting for the schools anuncements, anyone want to join?" Mrs. Gretta asked, * Hiro raies his hand* " Ok, anyone else?" Mrs. Gretta asked, * Sammy raises her hand* " Ok." Mrs. Gretta said, * The bell rings* " See you tomorrow." Mrs. Gretta said, * Hiro grabs his stuff out of his locker* " Hiro!" Astrid said, " Remember what he did?" Bri asked, " Yeah, I remember." Karmi said, * Bri grabs Hiro* " Let me go!" Hiro said, * They went outside* " Everyone, remember this kid on the internet?" Astrid asked, " Let me go!" Hiro said, " Keep him down!" Astrid said, * Pins him down* " Get off me!" Hiro said, * Astrid stars hitting him* " Tadashi is that?" Coner asked, " Those girls." Tadashi said, * Runs over to them* " Get off him!" Tadashi said, * The girls ran off* " Hiro, are you okay?" Tadashi asked, * Hiro stands up* " Can we please go home?" Hiro asked, " See ya!" Coner said, " Later!" Tadashi said, * Hiro wipes his eyes* " Lets take you home." Tadashi said, * They went home* " Did those girls hurt him again?" Aunt Cass asked, " I'm going in my room.." Hiro said, * Walks into his room,* " I'll talk to him." Tadashi said, * Grabs a wet rag and a ice pack* " I'll call you boys whwn dinner is ready." Aunt Cass said, * Tadashi walks into his room* " Hey." Tadashi said, " Please go away.." Hiro said, * Tadashi sits down on his bed* " Wanna talk about it?" Tadashi asked, " No... Just please go away..." Hiro said, " Hiro look at me." Tadashi said, * Hiro Lifs his head up* " Can he please go!" Hiro said, " Hiro, why are you crying?" Tadashi asked, " It's because I'm getting bullied, and I'm getting beat up at school. I don't have any friends!" Hiro said, * Hiro won't stop crying* " I'm so sorry about what happened today.." Tadashi said, * Sits next to him* " I feel like I don't belong in there.." Hiro said, * Hugs Tadashi* " Boys dinner is ready!" Aunt Cass said, * Hiro wipes his eyes* " Come on." Tadashi said,

Hope you enjoyed this story!