

Kidnapping monkey-JAGU
Jagu was a great kidnapper of his time but soon he died . let me tell you the story of Jagu.Hello I am monu the narrator of story and Jagu's owner . Me and my family live in a small town name Sherwood. My mother is a doctor and my father is a Street Fighter. They are a very interesting couple. When Mom and Dad go to work I feel alone in home so that's why Dad bought Jagu the monkey. when he was bought I think he is very wierd becouse of his attitude . When we have bought Jagu many pet dogs were disappeare in our neighbor's houses. After some months I sawed Jagu going somewhere in streets with a big bag. I chased him and then what I have sawed that jaggu is kidnapping Mr.jain's dog I was shoked. Again I chased him and I found his secret base in gutter. yuck it smells suck. and then what I have seen was very scary. Jagu has a phone and then he call Mr. Jain and started talking like human and asking for money. if he will not give him money he will kill his pet. And then I called the society people so that they could cought jagu.we all were running to cought Jagu but Mr. Jain was in full anger he kicked at Jagu's butt.
Jagu started flying like rocket and then falling like meteorite. And then he died .Sad. but everyone was happy.

The end....

© KingJustice