

life is small don't waste it on hate.
And let's start with the tag line once upon a time.......
I know a girl who is made up of love and tears.Her name was Roset.
She always tries to give love to all and keep the tears for herself, she was much thoughtful regarding her soul needs assurance and happiness of others in order to shine like phoenix.
She always think why people are suggesting her to bring changes in herself, why they they are telling her it's worth to be selfless.
She was very confused because she always think like she is more happy while keeping the tears of others and spreading the smiles.
And she always remain happy at the end and that what makes people envy of her....
And she realized it soon and instead of getting agitated with all these enviness of others she thought a plan for a play and let people know the art of happiness and she kept the name of her play as "Life is small don't waste it on hate".
And in this play she portrayed her thoughts and perspectives ......
She was patience as it took her 5 years to convince town people to attend her play.
But she didn't give up,She can give simply because it was not big deal to choose the easy path, why taking all the hurdles just to make people understand her points.
But for her it is big deal because she wants people to be happy and that thought didn't let her give up.
And she continued to promote her play and keep asking everyone to attend it.
And in the end people were ready to attend her play.
(They didn't pay for it🤣🤣🤣)
And after watching the play everyone in the town got her point and find her idea of living life very interesting and from that day onwards no one put their suggestions to let go her good intentions.
And in the end she decided to be the good person in all odds and this is the requirement of today's time that we need to communicate to each other not just to prove ourselves but to make others understand our perspectives
Even in odds never let the good in you be vanished ,And Roset proved it it always worth it.
We all can make understand every one our points from our love and creativity like Roset.

© @etoile_brillante🎐