

A letter to myself
I think one of the hardest part about being in a toxic relationship is forgiving myself for putting up with so much and for staying as long as I did.
Was I starving for the affection from the man I loved, but never not once gave me that I allowed his disrespect on a daily to diminish me?
He took from me my time, my energy, my worth, my dignity and my thunder.
His abuse was slow and insidious.
I'm exhausted.  My body,
my mind, my heart.
And my wounds fester from the lack of care.
Time to start my journey on healing.
I needed to lose him to find me.
I needed to hate him to love me.
Because I miss me, the old me, the happy me, the smiling me, the laughing me, the bright me, the gone me.

© diana-g