

Do u think your prayers are not answered?
Then look at Abraham in the Bible
One day God promised Abraham that his Descendants will be like the stars in the sky.
Abraham was 100 years
and his wife Sarah was 90 years old
they had no children
No Descendants..
But Just because GOD promised Abraham
He always trusted GOD and his Promises.
because he believed that his
God is a Promise keeper
Do u know?
GOD took a 100 years to fulfill his promise to Abraham.
He blessed Abraham and Sarah with a child and named him ISAAC
and from Isaac the generations are still continuing.
Uncountable like the stars in the sky.
Now think.....!
How long have you been waiting for ur promise to be fulfilled?
Do u really think that God is taking a lot of time for you than Abraham?
Just believe in GOD
For our GOD is a promise keeper
and he will surely fulfill all his promises
Just trust him and his perfect timing
Don't be disappointed
Rather keep praying
coz GOD is working on it......

© J