

The darkside of the mind crimes- Dirty beggar
Dear Diary,

Well, do you believe in fairytales? I think I might just do it after this one... Two horrible killings where discovered today.. both send shivers down my spine. Even for me as a detective still the killings still sometimes do this to me..

I felt sick to think that someone could do something so inhumane and still make "art" out of it.. These poor men didn't deserve this horrible end to their miserable lives.. They really tried making a living. Both of them were found under a bridge and that my dear friend is why I started out with a fairy tale.. It was like the orchestrator of their demise wanted them to be trolls or gnomes as if they were so hideous.

The killer took his time to give us this illusion and the placement is like a message to anyone viewing it, but has a grim tale to it. A personal touch a clever taunt from the killer.

Disgusting I would say he has no honour killing these men. They are homeless and this is a humiliating way for them to go.. He places a sign like the troll he made is begging for something and has a sign written in blood... This has caught me off guard the most and it still shifts my stomach..

The first one I went to the sign said: " The pain, the dispare. I have nothing so I can go. At last I am free."

The second one the sign said: "The hunger, the thirst. Nothing can stop it only the flow of my blood sets me free.."

The strange thing about it all as I said this killer is an artistic one. The background so picturesque with the snowy plains near a river and the bridge. In my minds eye I see a wonderful painting of it and then the troll. The tattered clothing is the only visible thing the faces are hidden with some rags. At first glance the body doesn't look like a person and with the blood pools and blood smears and bloody boot prints it all look so messy like a troll ate a person. Then the sign hits you and then all thoughts are lost.

I want to catch this guy. He is a demon. He belongs in the darkness of a cell..

Ahhh.. Crap the media.. They just stumbled on another scene.. Seems like our killer is advertising his "art".. My friend I have to go and look at what this guy did before the media destroyed any evidence. The media people can't think straight at this late hour...

© The cube said it