

Summer Vacation at Grandma's House
Abhay and Mithali lived in the bustling city of Mumbai, where the sounds of honking cars and busy streets were a part of their everyday life. As summer vacation approached, they were filled with excitement because they were going to visit their Grandma Lalitha’s house in Udupi. They had heard so many stories about her beautiful home, and they couldn’t wait for their adventures to begin.

As soon as they arrived at Grandma Lalitha's house, the warm breeze greeted them. The house was surrounded by lush greenery, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming jasmine. Grandma welcomed them with open arms and a big smile. “I’ve made your favorite dish, dosa with coconut chutney!” she said, and they rushed to the kitchen, their mouths watering.

The next morning, after a hearty breakfast, Grandma suggested they visit Malpe beach. “It’s one of the most beautiful beaches here,” she said. Abhay and Mithali jumped with joy and quickly got ready. They packed a bag with towels, hats, and some snacks, and set off with Grandma.

When they reached Malpe beach, the sight was breathtaking. The golden sand sparkled under the bright sun, and the waves crashed gently against the shore. “Look, there are so many shells!” Mithali exclaimed, running towards the water. They spent hours collecting colorful shells, each one different and special. Abhay found a smooth, shiny shell that looked like a small treasure.

After collecting shells, they decided to build a sandcastle. “Let’s make it the biggest one ever!” Abhay said with determination. They worked together, using buckets and their hands to shape the sand. Grandma joined them, helping to create tall towers and deep moats. They laughed as the waves came closer, splashing water on their castle. “Quick! The sea is attacking our castle!” Mithali giggled, and they all ran back to avoid the water.

Later, they splashed in the waves, feeling the cool water on their skin. Abhay tried to jump over the waves, while Mithali enjoyed floating on her back, watching the clouds drift by. They felt free and happy, surrounded by the beauty of nature.

The next day, Grandma took them to the famous Krishna Mutt in Udupi. “This temple is very special and has a rich history,” she explained. When they arrived, they were amazed by the tall, intricate towers and beautiful carvings on the walls. The temple was filled with the sound of bells ringing and the fragrance of flowers.

As they entered the temple, Grandma told them the story of Lord Krishna. “He is known for his wisdom and playfulness,” she said. Abhay and Mithali listened with wide eyes as Grandma explained the significance of the rituals. They offered their prayers and felt a sense of peace wash over them. Afterward, they tasted the delicious prasadam, a sweet treat that made them smile.

On their third day, they visited the Hasta Shilpa Heritage Museum in Manipal. “This museum shows how people lived in the past,” Grandma told them. As they walked through the museum, they saw old houses, traditional tools, and beautiful crafts. The wooden carvings caught Abhay’s eye, while Mithali loved the colorful pottery.

They wandered through the museum, each exhibit telling a story of its own. Grandma pointed out different items and shared fascinating tales about each one. “This is how our ancestors lived and worked,” she explained. Abhay and Mithali felt like they were traveling back in time, experiencing the rich culture of their heritage.

At the museum, they also participated in a clay modeling workshop. With Grandma's guidance, they shaped clay into small pots and animals. They laughed as they got their hands dirty, enjoying the creative process. Mithali made a tiny elephant, while Abhay crafted a small fish. They couldn’t wait to show their creations to Grandma.

In the evenings, after their adventurous days, they would sit outside on the porch, sipping fresh coconut water. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves, and they listened to Grandma’s stories about her own childhood. They felt connected to their roots, understanding the importance of family and tradition.

As their vacation came to an end, Abhay and Mithali felt a mix of joy and sadness. “We had the best summer ever!” Mithali said, her eyes sparkling. Grandma Lalitha hugged them tightly and said, “Remember, my dear ones, these moments are treasures that you will carry in your hearts forever.”

On their journey back to Mumbai, Abhay and Mithali talked excitedly about all the fun they had in Udupi. They knew they would cherish these memories for a lifetime. Udupi was not just a place; it was a land of adventures, love, and the warmth of Grandma Lalitha’s heart, and they couldn’t wait to return for more adventures next summer.
© Nishmitha Kotian