

Chapter 1: New Beginnings
All my memories of what happened three years ago have somewhat disappeared. It was as if God himself erased them. Yet somehow, visions of my horrible high school years,  ruin my chances of having normal dreams about my celebrity crushes.  Whatever happened three years ago is the reason why my mother and I moved here in the first place to escape the past, our enemies and whosoever is after us.

"Good morning darling. I see you are up this morning. I guess you are ready to start over your life." My mother said with a cheery smile on her face.

Before I could speak she continued, "So what are you planning to do? Have friends and stab them in the back, get a job and possibly work for a billionaire, change your  hair highlights, go to the movies. Wait, I got it, you are going to get a boyfriend."

I choked on the orange juice. Getting a boyfriend is not on my agenda. I don't think it will ever be.

"Mom before you continue, you realize that getting someone to even talk to me is literally impossible."  I said.

"Jade, are you forgetting that we are not in Minnesota anymore. This is Los Angeles for god sakes."

Oh right, I forgot.

"Mom I gotta go change before this conversation gets awkward." I said.

"Right." She replied as I walked up the stairs.

30 minutes later

I walked out the door like a woman with a plan. A plan is something that I don't have right now. I am just going wherever the wind take me. The feeling of nervousness sent cold chills up my spine as I went into my car. Even though I wasn't nervous about what the day may bring. I was more nervous about crashing my car.