

Sant: An Incredible Boy (Episode 5.2)
"We comprehended that," Rigan stated. "However, what became of Binsash? Is he among the living or the departed?"

"Binash remains in existence. He is incapable of self-termination. Additionally, no ordinary mortal possesses the ability to terminate his existence. Only through the employment of magic can he be slain," Gahon replied.

Sant then posed the inquiry, "But where does he currently reside? To what location did he proceed after authoring this journal?"

Gahon proffered, "No individual can ascertain his whereabouts or current location. Nevertheless, the prevailing sentiment is that he continues to exist."

"And who was this guardian? Was he devoid of any knowledge pertaining to this matter?" Raghav persisted in his interrogation.

Gahon expressed astonishment, exclaiming, "Which guard are you referring to? No guard has ever been present here." Gahon's revelation astounded everyone present. Sant entertained the notion that since Gahon had previously assumed the form of a statue, he had remained unaware of the guard's existence.

"Sant, you are mistaken. My state of being a statue was not perpetual. I too was once alive. In addition to myself, my brothers likewise possessed life and were capable of observing and comprehending all that transpired within the confines of the museum," Gahon telepathically communicated with Sant. He could discern Sant's unspoken curiosity, which further astounded them all.
"It must come as a surprise to you, contemplating how I can discern the thoughts of Sant. Indeed, I possess the ability to read minds and can communicate with him through both telepathy and vocalization. My brothers, Gaton, Gason, Gayon, and Gangmon, share this exceptional gift concerning Sant, who graciously granted us our freedom. Upon my demise, my consciousness will be transferred to them, liberating them as well. Gapon bestowed upon us the extraordinary power of consciousness transfer. In adversity, we can manipulate this ability to manifest additional powers. May I inquire as to the purpose behind your numerous questions?"

Sant informed Gahon of their objectives and mission: "We are young individuals driven by a passion for adventure. Our curiosity was piqued by this enigmatic museum, and we harbor a desire to free the local populace from the fear it instills. They remain gripped by the terror that the statues might awaken and consume them while also harboring apprehension toward the forest due to Gapon's presence. We aim to delve deeper into these fears and eradicate their very roots. Through studying scriptures and diaries, we have managed to unravel numerous mysteries. We are also indebted to you for providing us with answers. However, many aspects remain unknown, and we hope to gain further insights through your assistance." With these words, Sant, accompanied by Rigan and Raghav, extended their hands as a gesture of partnership. Gahon reciprocated their gesture, declaring, "From this moment forward, my life takes on a new purpose, and I dedicate it to aiding your cause. I will serve as your guide, and if I cannot fulfill this role, my brothers will undoubtedly take my place." Sant experienced a profound sense of comfort and optimism as he stood alongside his team, united in their pursuit of victory in this mission.

© Santanu