

You cried when you told me;
Your eyes had so many things they wanted to say:
You cried when I reached out to hold your hand;
Your mind couldn't process it, not even the touch of a loved one.

You told me the vile things the slug did to your body;
You noticed I couldn't look you in the eye a few lines into the story;
You cried bitterly and my heart broke in many places;
You know, broke is the wrong word.

I felt like I was an onion and someone was grating me;
I still feel that way each time I see the slug, hear him or even hear of him;
I begged you to report him or at least tell your parents;
I gave up on that when you screamed "No" the 79th time I asked.

We didn't tell your parents about our numerous trips to the hospital.
We didn't tell the nurses the details because you said it was nobody's business;
We didn't tell your mum about the panic attacks you still have.

You cried your way into sickness that night, I listened;
You knew I cried too, its one of those things we don't talk about;
Your demeanor changed, your care free spirit gave way to something new;
Your new bouts of silences, you terrify me!

I saw the slug at church one Sunday, he had been invited to speak on Mother's Day.
I struggled to breath, years had gone by, I still felt like onion grating;
I held my breath when he matched out with the officiating ministers;
I saw your mum smile at me, "amazing man" she mouthed. I choked.

You told me you would marry
Bisi and I stared at you.
You said you were not going to tell him about it.
You knew I did not approve. You didn't need my approval.
You gave me your blank stare and I never brought it up again.

We knew that one day, your mood swings would get between you and Bisi.
We knew your parents never noticed it.
We knew they would drag me in when it got out of hand.
We knew I would tell them it was unlike you, you were probably just upset about something.

You called to tell me your niece had been raped, it was in the same tone you told me about the slug.
You said she had told her mum and the thing had been arrested.
You dragged me to your sister's house...
You weren't healed enough to deal with it.

I saw the slug first, he came with the thing's family, to beg ha!
I watched you with the corner of my eyes, it felt like a movie;
I noticed your hands settled on each other, you sat, poised on a chair;
I heard him say " they may even become a couple"

We didn't see that coming, You pounced on him like a cat!
We tried to drag you away, the others pulled him away and out of the house.
We didn't see that coming, your sister stared at you in disbelief!
We had never seen you like that!

You told me you had apologised to Bisi.
You flared up when Bisi asked you to apologise to the slug.
You told me the slug had threatened to sue you if the case against the thing wasn't dropped.
You said the slug had insisted on an apology too.

I knew that you would rather eat sand than apologise.
I heard you ask your niece if she wanted the matter dropped.
I didn't hear her answer but I heard you call her the child of a scorpion.
I knew you would fight this battle for two of you.

We didn't interfere when you told Bisi about the slug, he didn't take it well.
We didn't need to comfort you, there was a resolve in your eyes.
We feared you! Your mother cried when Bisi told her
We both cried when she blamed me for not hinting her about it.

You didn't care about the effect it had on your family now.
You didn't need anybody's help, my friend isn't that lost girl any more.
You rose like a mighty wave and took down everything in your path.
Your niece almost as viscious, riding assuredly beside you.

I am your friend, through the good and the bad.
I am your friend, through the silence and the noise.
I am your friend through weakness and when you grow viscous.
I share the burden with you and even the fight.

We take down the slug, not as viscous as we would have loved to but enough to give you power.
We bring the thing to his senses, he would think twice before he hurts another girl.
We crown your niece, Queen, she knows she is not defined by another person's sin.
We make amends with family because at the end of the day family and friends that stick closer than family are what really matter.

#rapesurvivors #trauma #movingon #girlpower