

To dream of a wizard ep2
"Marielle!Marielle!",the wizard called. The dream shattered bringing her back to the present her teacher in front of her chanting her name. "Well I never! Sleeping in class this is unlike you, I'm afraid you'll have to have detention after class", her english teachers said with a sigh walking back to the board continuing her lesson.
Looking around Marielle noticed how everyone kept eyeing her and whispering to each other. Her face turned beet red as she now realized why.
After the lesson Mariell stayed in her seat while everyone else left for their next period. "Marielle you need to remember, try to!",her teacher begged. Marielle was confused what was she supposed to remeber?
"Oh right, I'm still in my teacher form", she said chucking and with a click she was an old wizard. "Miss if you wanted to show me your cool trick you could've aksed", marielle said yawning to sleepy to really tell it was real.
"This is no costume I am a real wizard and if you dont wake up you'll be older than old!", she said flustered. "What does that mean, older than old?", marielle asked figuring she'd play along.
"To be Frank you'd be dead", she said sadly. "Okay wow miss that went a little to far", marielle said rising now fully awake. "Nice trick though", Marielle added on her way to the door.
Suddenly she was frozen in place. The wizard lady had put her under a spell. Terrified Marielle tried to fight against whatever was holding her back. Exasperated she gave up after realizing she was stuck here.
"Now that I got your attention, you need to wake up!", the wizard said slapping her face. Marielles face scrunched up in her that hurt face a little tear drop frozen in the air.
"Oh no I'm aafraid my time is up here", the wizard lady said sighing, disappearing with her final words "Beware of the Scarlett Minute", and with that the freezing spell was stopped .
"lWhat was the scarlett minute? and why did she have this frightening feeling when she thought about it? Was there something no one was telling her?Or was this thing after her?

© kbkma1917