

Blogging on poor
An article about people who make videos while helping poor people
For a long time, I have been watching those people who do blogging and make videos on YouTube.Nowadays, this is very popular. People who blog make videos to help the poor, those in need, those who beg for food, or those who do not have even a single loaf of bread to eat. Then they post this video on their social media. All that happens is that their image appears good in front of people, and their likes and followers increase.But these YouTubers and bloggers do not understand that they are making videos and posting them on their social media, and all this is happening without their consent, without informing them, without asking them. These YouTubers do not even think that it is important to ask these poor people whether they want it to be done like that or not, but without their consent, these bloggers think that poverty is a beggar's compulsion and post the poverty on their social media. It may be that they have requested that they make videos.They should put themselves in the place of helpless people and see what kind of life they show in front of so many people. These YouTubers and bloggers who post on social media think that their one meal will fill the feed of these poor people, and all their hunger will be quenched. But that food is only for a time. I feel that if you want to do this much, you will help them in such a way that you can take them out of their poverty and give them a new path. It is obvious that if you make so many videos, you definitely have enough money to help them, but it is not necessary that you have to help them with money. You could help them by giving them good advice, even without money. Apart from this, there are many other ways as well. And even if you have less money, you are helping them, but by showing them through your videos, you are making their poverty or helplessness more helpless. I'm pretty sure that you know very well that by helping a needy person in exchange for it, you'll get so many blessings. I don't want to impose my views on anyone, but you should consider that your work is causing pain to other people. Sometimes some people think that why do we give our income to the poor? These poor can earn it themselves, and some people even say that if you can earn so much money, then why don't you earn. it?But for once, if these people think that God has placed them not among the beggars but among the givers, They should think about what would have happened had they themselves been in the place of a proud people. And they should not think twice before thanking God and helping a poor person. It is not necessary to give away all your wealth because of this. Every person's thoughts should be this much, and he should pray to God that no one should remain hungry and no one should remain hungry from my door.This is your own karma, which gets included in the list of your good and bad deeds. No one makes your good list on social media or sees how many good things you have done. Our deeds are not accomplished by showing off on social media throughout our lives. If there is anything important in this life, then it is only karma; nothing will go with you from here except your karma. My intention is not to hurt anyone, but your actions may hurt some poor or helpless person.
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