

Snow Bell
Fall was briskly coming to an end, as a bundled up child strolled down her tree lined driveway.She kicked merily at th still colorful pile of leaves, unaware that a simple trip to the mailbox would expose herto one of nature's most heartless of laws. Slick coated department store ads caused clumsy little hands to lose their grip on the papers she was to retrieve. Mail fell and flew scattering across the sidewalk.

In that moment her eyes caught sight of tuffs of white fur amidst the decay in the gutter. Brushing aside the garbage revieled a kitten, no more than a month old, laying on it's side. It's cold body was badly imaciated and eyes were crusted over, rendering the helpless little one blind. The mother, had abandoned her baby for the sake of her surviving kits. However at the time the child couldn't comprehend why.

She tenderly placed a hand over the kitten's body, feeling for the rise and fall of breath that could be interperted as a sign of life. A weak rumble rose to greet her finger tips. Disregarding the scattered junkmail she scooped the kitten up and hurried home. Her mother was already in the laundry room when she returned. "I found a kitten!" the girl exclaimed, softly stroking it's ears. The expression on her mother's face quickly transitioned from curiousity to sadness and worry and she told her daughter to return the kitten from whence it came. "But it's cold outside!" She protested. "It's mother will come for it" lied her mother half-heartedly. "Will not! It was all alone!" she argued with determination. Her mom sighed to buy herself a moment to think. This subject was something every parent dreads and one that would not be easy to explain to a four year old. "Honey-" she said placing her hand on the girl's shoulder. "I gave her a name! Her name is Snowbell now. Her fur looks like snow and she purrs like a tiny bell!" She said holding Snowbell closer to her chest. Her mother at this point was desperately fighting back tears as she bend down and looked the girl in the eye. "The kitten is very sick, and it won't likely live through the night..." she trailed off. "She could get better we don't know" the girl insisted with shiny creeks dripping off of her cheeks. Her mother only adverted her eyes to the floor. "You could" she cooed down to the kitten as it licked her fingers.

Her mother moved to pick Snowbell up but the girl turned away from her with a sharp No! "it's my kitten!" she yelled. "It's mine you can't take her! Thats not fair! I won't let her die alone I won't!" she screamed louder and louder. Her mother wrapped her arms around the girl trying to coo her out of hysteria while unable to control her own sobs.When she finally let go the child gathered some blankets fresh from the dryer. She sat against the wall holding Snowbell's tiny paw "I won't leave I promise". The kitten responded with more weak purring and reassuring licks. As the night wore on the child's mother made several attempts to coax her into bed, but each time she'd only turn away and hold the kitten closer. She fell asleep with Snowbell still in her arms when her tiny eyelids could no longer hold themselves up.

She awoke to the early light floating through the laundry room windows. Her mother had laid Snowbell inside a cardboard box when she died during the night. Grief-stricken, the girl gave her one last kiss goodbye before she was taken out to be burried

This story didn't end pleasantly. There was so miraculous recovery, no happy solution. From a young age, I was shown that life just isn't fair. Some things can't be solved with wishful thinking or a willingness to help. However, just because a problem can't be fixed doesn't mean it is hopeless. It doesn't mean there is nothing to be done. I couldn't save Snowbell, but I could stay with her. I could give her some hours of my life during the last of hers. When everything just feels wrong, time and kindness is sometimes the greatest gift someone can give. No one should ever have to die alone and forgotten.

#pets #animals #mercy #tragedy #loss #compassion #love

© ZombiPanther