

Is it a Connection or an Attachment?
Chemistry and connection is not only about attraction and similarities but its also about equally feeling comfortable with each other .Whether in presence or absence. Chemistry is all about treatment, and sharing and respecting each other vulnerabilities and sensitivities (feelings).

Anything that exhibits the opposite of chemistry and connection is known as an attachment. One attachment example invloves patterns, where one or the other finds themselves trying to perfect the relationship , they're doing just about everything right, but the other person would only appreciate this action for only a short amount of time before withdrawing back to themselves for fear of getting hurt; while leaving the other to feel as if they have done something wrong, when in reality they did not.

In actuality, they've just been neglected or their personal needs have just been abandoned by the other person because of their fears. So this patterned attachment (not connection) if not authentically addressed (communicated) will continue repeatedly without end or until the patterned behavior ends the attachment between them because of its damaging effects.

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Most people will fight change as if change it will be worst then what they are currently experiencing: Les Brown

Tom Rusk and Randy Reed wrote a book 'I want to change but I dont know how' said that: People go through life playing it safe are saying that if they never let themselves feel too good , then maybe they'll never get hurt too badly(Self defeating behaviors that prevent people from enjoying themselves) Les Brown Lecture

Dr. Harold Griswold Author of Direct Decision Therapy said : when someone says I can't change, some part of them wants to change but the payoff for his present behaviour are greater than the payoffs for a changed behavior , or the fear of change is just too great.
© Work2Rise