

God prevails
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears?

About a month ago a dear friend had 2 bad dreams about me. I prayed after the first and the second but became really concerned when church the following day. The pastor was preaching on how I'm the end times old men will dream profetic dreams and young
men will have visions. my friend is old yikes.
I prayed more also asked religious leaders to pray for me and this profesy. It was that I was gonna be taken by evil my friend said he plead the blood of Jesus to try and protect me but I was lost in darkness. Just the other night I was cooking and the screen door popped like it opened a lil and slammed thought must be the wind returned to cooking then something inside made me look over my shoulder and I saw a black mass shaped like human and it came right up to me I felt it but it was warm but cold around edges I ran so fast screaming it was very unsettling and caught me totally off guard. I plead the blood of Jesus as I know I have the authority to cast out demons. I have also the holy spirit and the power of God the Father and Jesus Christ so my fear is futile My faith prevails My GOD prevails in my life. Now and Forever Amen
© jessie Randolph