

Guardian Whiskers
In the heart of the city, in a small apartment on the third floor, lived Maria with her feline companion, Luna. Luna was a plump, serene-looking tabby cat, always found in her favorite spot on the windowsill, basking in the sunlight or moonlight. To any passerby, Luna appeared as the epitome of lazy domesticity. However, beneath that drowsy facade lay the heart of a fierce protector.

You see, Luna wasn't an ordinary cat. At night, while Maria believed her beloved pet was asleep, Luna's true nature awakened. She was a Guardian Cat, an ancient breed of mystical felines who had the power to protect their chosen human from any harm.

It began one chilly night when a burglar, thinking he'd found an easy target, tried to break into Maria's apartment. As he fiddled with the window lock, Luna, who seemed fast asleep, twitched her whiskers. The burglar was suddenly lifted off his feet and gently deposited in the back of a police car two blocks away, with no memory of how he got there. All he remembered was a pair of glowing cat eyes and a soft purr echoing in his ears.

Another time, a malevolent spirit, once wronged by an ancestor of Maria's, tried to haunt her dreams. As it approached Maria's sleeping form, Luna, in her slumber, let out a deep growl. The room filled with a blinding light, and the spirit found itself trapped in a tiny glass bottle, which Luna later buried in the city's park under her favorite tree.

Even when a mosquito dared to bite Maria, it would find itself ensnared in a mini cyclone whenever it ventured close, only to be gently pushed out through the open window.

Maria, oblivious to her kitty's nocturnal activities, always marveled at the serenity that surrounded her home. "It's as if an angel watches over us," she'd tell her friends.

One day, an old wise woman from Maria's neighborhood visited her. Taking one look at Luna, she smiled knowingly. "You've got yourself a Guardian Cat," she whispered.

Maria laughed it off. "Luna? She can't even catch a toy mouse!"

That night, as Maria lay in bed, she felt Luna's weight settle by her feet. Listening to Luna's rhythmic purring, Maria felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and safety. Whether or not she believed the old woman's tales, she knew one thing for certain: with Luna by her side, she was the luckiest person in the world.

And so, in a small apartment in the heart of the city, a seemingly sleepy kitty continued her silent vigil, ensuring that her human remained safe, loved, and blissfully unaware of the dangers that dared to lurk in the shadows.

© Magnus Stalhart