

Happiness is not a destination. It is a journey-I read it somewhere. In our whole life we work for happiness, we live for happiness. In everything we try to find happiness.

We feel happy when we are satisfied and fulfilled. Mostly people search for happiness in unnecessary things-In our favourite items, favourite food etc. But the true happiness finds somewhere.

Whenever we expect something from someone our happiness destroys. We can share our happiness, but we should not expect anything in return. Expectations leads to danger.

For example:

When we help our friends or relatives or parents(in our inner circle). We feel happy but it is temporary because we expect something from them.

In other case

When we help poor people or when we help the blind person while crossing the road-happiness blushes in us. No ever joy is compared to that. Wherever there is no expectation, there a person leads a happy life

In every purpose we try to find happiness except one i.e our profession(aim)

Most of the people only work for salary. Only few love and value their profession.

Our profession, the creative effort should come first atleast some part of everyday of our life. It is a wonderful blessing, if we use it. You are not working for salary or to impress people.Search happiness in your profession.

Don't sell yourself what you are less than capable of. Don't compromise


© Teju