

AJ’s journey didn’t begin with the soft cry of a newborn, but with a gasp of defiance, as if he instinctively knew the trials that awaited him. From the moment he took that first breath, the world outside was already conspiring, a battlefield disguised as life. He was thrust into a realm of shadowy figures—relations masked in smiles, but their hearts were dripping with jealousy, ego, and selfishness. They weren’t there to nurture; they were predators waiting to feast on his spirit.

Friends, more like digital scavengers, surrounded him too. Obsessed with the glittering façade of social media, they craved not companionship, but the likes and comments that came from exploiting his life. They took pictures of AJ, feeding his image to an insatiable online world where every click was another piece of his soul sold off for fleeting moments of digital fame.

In the midst of the unfolding chaos, Nurse Clara stood resolute, a silent guardian in this strange new reality. Her hands, though gentle, held a firmness as if she alone could sense the storm gathering on the horizon of AJ's fate.

But AJ's mother, Durga, was more than just comforting. She was not merely his mother; she was his warrior. Her gaze, sharp and unwavering, spoke of battles fought across lifetimes. Their bond seemed ancient, forged in the fires of countless reincarnations. Durga was not just a shield for AJ; she was his sword, cutting through the darkness with a fierceness that illuminated the path ahead.

Within him stirred the memories of thousands of lifetimes—an inheritance from the gods themselves. Though a baby in form, AJ’s soul carried the weight of countless past lives. His skills, battles, and victories were etched into the very fabric of his being.

The ground beneath his crib seemed to tremble with unseen power, as if the earth recognized the presence of a soul destined for greatness in this age of Kali Yuga. As the forces of fate began their intricate dance, AJ slept in his mother's arms, a child of ancient power, waiting to rise.

To be continued.....
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