

The running man
Into the flames rising out of a setting sun, I draw in a deep breath before I run around the track for a couple of laps. is exhausting and let me breathless like a someone getting a heart attack. but I fight the pain and keep going. every now and then I drank water for a bit of hydration. but I still keep running like the hard working person at hand. but sometimes I stoped and took a rest at a green grass. knowing that I made some stellar progress in life during a rough day. but the one thing I do know, is that I always have to keep running through life like a speedy car and hope I make good progress at it but I know there will be a day I will take a break, and it will be a time stopper. but that won't stop me from running like the person I am, and I will keep running to the very end. and if one day I keep going on a good pace, I will find the light to the finish line straight to the final destination.
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