

I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.I killed him, I really killed him I said. Does that mean I'm really going to jail? But again how did I get here if I had killed him? Then it struck me as I discovered I was the sacrificial lamb of the gang.
My gang and I had planned to get back at a bully in high school. All was well till I was asked to do the job. The job? kill the bully. I thought it was a joke but all I wanted from a gang was protection.
On that faithful night, we had few drinks and I got drunk. I was not in my right mind. I was also handed a cigarette stick, that was my first time smoking. I don't know how, but I got high. On our way home, we saw the bully. When he saw us, he called me gullible. I was so pissed off, something I wouldn't feel on a normal. I tried fighting the bully, the bully who was way stronger threw me to the ground and hit me hard. But this time, I really wanted to fight back but the bully had beaten me black and blue.
As the bully was leaving, I got up, grabbed a pocket knife from one of the gangs and stabbed him to death.At that moment, everything became clear, I couldn't believe I did it. I saw my gang mates giggling at the side of the road with their camera pointing at me. The bully was right, I'm really gullible. They had set me up. At that moment I realized they were all sober. They had drugged me. Hearing the police siren, I took the knife which was an evidence I ran as long as my legs could take me. Then I felt a great hit on my head and I passed off. That was I could remember. But my question is "why did the gang set me up?"