

Is modern world caught in the grip of Fear Psychosis ?
We are living in the most fearmongering time in human history. And the main reason for this is that there’s a lot of power and money available to individuals and organizations who can perpetuate these fears.
It is not just manipulative fearmongering that is responsible for the disproportionate fear that infects our society, for in one way or another we all accept, and reinforce, the normality of fearing. We continually remind ourselves and others that threats exist everywhere – in the streets, in the food we eat, in the technology we use, in our fellow man and woman, and even in the air we breathe. The cultural narratives which inform how we make sense of the world seamlessly move from one fear to another. Hardly anyone questions, however, whether we should be so fearful.
In the current era fearing appears to be such a volatile and directionless activity. It seems as if one threat begets another, only to be contradicted by yet another newly discovered target of fear.
There no longer seems to be anything that is really secure. . .We seem to be obsessed with every conceivable danger. . .Fear has become a basic characteristic of our entire culture.
Life is unpredictable and the world is littered with dangers and threats to both our security and well-being, and so fearing is not unique to modern society. However, in some of the most flourishing civilizations of the past, fear was counterbalanced by hope and by an optimistic belief in the human potential.
The courage, hope, and optimism that in civilizations past kept fear in check is all but lost in the modern world, and so the lives of many of us are consumed by fear. We see everything through the distorted lens of fear.
The fear that is infecting society is socially conditioned into us from a young age, and it is fuelled by a pessimistic conception of what it means to be human that is deeply entrenched in our society.
Fear is one of the primary emotions and a vital part of our survival instinct. It is but human to be afraid and fear for the safety of our near ones. Kindly continue to fear and care but please hold on a moment to clarify facts and weigh the risks and gains of the available options. Ensure that you do not go 'straight out of the pan, into the fire' or fall prey to political or marketing gimmicks. Please do bear in mind that being overtly emotional affects our reasoning and restricts rational behaviour.

© Ashish Oberoi
#fear #psychosis #manipulation #manipulativeminds #shortstory #englishstory #modernsociety #emotions #thoughts #thoughtoftheday