

Why am I called Dalit ?
          Why am I called Dalit ?

Rohan a small boy of 9 yrs was playing in the park alone . He saw another boy playing there,  he thought of making that boy his friend and started walking towards him when he was quite close to reach the boy , a woman came running towards him and stopped him and said " go away from my child" Rohan was confused . The woman said "you are a Dalit!" Rohan replied "Dalit ?" . Rohan walked a bit closer towards the woman, the woman shouted "you untouchable don't even dare to come near me " . Rohan was scared that why is that woman treating him as if he was a criminal.
He went towards his house, when he reached there he ran towards his mother and hugged her and started crying a loud . Her mother said what's the problem ? He replied why am I called a Dalit? His mother said who told you this word "Dalit" .Rohan told his mother all what happened with him in the park .His mother felt very bad after listening to all what Rohan said . She told Rohan that do you know who is Mahatma Gandhi , Rohan replied fastly yes I know he is the father of our nation ,his mother said do you know Gandhi ji said the Dalit or the untouchables are "Harijans". Rohan said what's the meaning of Harijans? His mother said Harijans are the children of God . Rohan replied we are the children of God, His mother said yes! .

We all know that our society is not at all good when it comes to the practice of untouchability . This is one of the major fault in our society. We all are the children of God .  We all are equal, neither a particular person   is supreme nor a particular society. No-one is untouchable, no-one is a Dalit and no-one is sechdule caste. Each and every person in this society is equal and has equal rights . If you don't want any other boy like Rohan to be accused of being a Dalit so, let's take a pledge to stop this practice .

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