

It was a dark night, everything was so still,
I was lying on my bed and trying to sleep,but I couldn't.
Someone knocked at my door,i was startled who can come at this night,
For a minute I was hesitant to open the door,but i ignored my thoughts,and opened the door,

It was a middle aged man, Asking for the shelter,I welcomed him,
He was looking so tired,as he hasn't slept for many days,
Offered him some food,there was a little gravy and Bread left in the hotpot,
I served it to him,

After having dinner,he was feeling quite better,I spread my blanket on the ground and told him to sleep comfortably on the bed.

It was 2:00 am ,we both were still awake,
Then he started to tell his story,why he was wandering for all these days ,
He told that he has a daughter of 12 years old, His wife had died a few years ago ,He alone took care of her.
One day he took her to play in the amusement park,she was so happy, smiling all the time,
While playing she saw a Candyman, making cotton candy,she asked to bring one for her, He went to buy candy for her little daughter,when he came back,she was not there,he searched for her here and there,also made announcement of her name, but couldn't find her,
From that day he was looking for her daughter, she was the star of his eyes,
without her his life was nothing,

As i learnt about this incident,
I barely controlled my tears,
I asked him,if he can show me her photo,
The man took the photo out from his Wallet,
At the moment i saw the picture,i broke into tears, because....
Yesterday afternoon i had seen that girl selling candies on the road,she was barefoot,she came to me and requested to buy her candy,I am a diabetic patient, yet i bought a packet of candies from her and gifted her back ,I patted my hand on the head of that Little girl.
This night i was still thinking about this incident,when the man( Father of that girl) knocked at my door.

So this was the reason i was in tears because there was a day when the little girl was treated liks princess by her father,but a sudden Storm came and took her away from her happiness, from her father,there was a day , she was asking to her father to bring her candies,but now herself selling candies in order to earn her living.
Really, this incident brought a big change in that little's life,

I told about it to his father,we both couldn't sleep for that night,as we were waiting for the morning,
I went to the same street with her father,after searching for a while, we finally saw that little girl,he was so sad to see her in this situation,but the enlightenment and happiness he got ,after founding her, words are less to describe that moment.
She ran straight into the arms of her father,both were so happy,
Saying Goodbye to both of them,
I came back to home,
I was smiling like I have got something, something very precious and special,
Indeed,It was special to see them meeting each other aftet a long time.

© Pri poetry 💫