

Faithfulness for Lord krishna
Once there was a lady who used to go vrindavan every year. When she was child she goes to vrindavan, when she was teenager she goes to vrindavan, when she get married she goes to vrindavan, when she had grandson she goes to vrindavan.

Now someone who is reading this story will start thinking that what is vrindavan? Where it is?
So vrindavan is a place where lord krishna had spent their childhood and vrindavan is located in uttar pradesh.

So we come back to our story.

The lady become old and when she went last time to vrindavan she brought lord krishna's statue or sculpture (murti). And now she used to pray at home only. At once she felt ill and it was the day of Shri Krishna Jayanti. She told her daughter in law that you pray to lord krishna but daughter in law said that" I am busy in my office work I will do it afterwards ".
Then the lady said that" lord krishna is more important than office work you do it first then do your work afterwards ".
Daughter in law in anger picked up the statue of Lord krishna and in anger the statue falled down. At that old lady start worrying about her son(here son is referred to lord krishna). Old lady started crying. All the family members and neighbours where trying to understand her but she didn't tried to understand.. Old lady said to her son(here son means her own son which she had given birth) that bring the doctor.
Son goes to call the doctor and son said to doctor that "My mom is in not in proper state of mind so you check the statue and say he is totally fine.. I will give you more money".
By listening the words of son doctor agreed to check that statue of Lord krishna. Doctor goes to home of old lady and without touching the statue doctor said " He is totally fine... No need to worry about statue". Old lady said to doctor "you check it properly".
By listening this doctor opened his brief case and taken out the stethoscope and started to check the statue and when the doctor listened the heart beats of statue of Lord krishna..
From that day doctor settled to vrindavan by resignation to doctor profession..

Moral- if you belive there is God..!!