

complete in incomplete
I love him he loves me,
I care for him he also have care for me,
Just like lovers we talk for hours,
without any topic we discussed for so many time,
We were as unfamiliar with each other as we knew each other,
We also talked about love and also fight like couple,
Talking to someone else also causes jelousy,
our love is selfless and unconditionall,
He was to me a mentor, a teacher, a prince of dreams, a true gentalman,
Neither we were just friends nor lovers nor old relationship,
But there was something that was special just like complete in incomplete,
There was no demand, no hope. The true spirit in which there is trust, understanding without saying,
There is no name but,
I happy with this unfamiliar relationship and he is also,
We are both happy with this incomplete yet complete relationship.
© feelshr❤️
#friendship #Love&love