

Muhammad (part 3)
From the moral point of view the Arabs were a
contradictory people. They suffered from some extreme
moral defects but at the same time they possessed some
admirable qualities. They were given to excessive
drinking. To become drunk and to run wild under the
effect of drink was for them a virtue, not a vice. Their
conception of a gentleman was one who should entertain
his friends and neighbours to drinking bouts. Every rich
man would hold a drinking party at least five times a
day. Gambling was their national sport. But they had
made of it a fine art. They did not gamble in order to
become rich. Winners were expected to entertain their
friends. In times of war, funds were collected through
gambling. Even today we have the institution of prizebonds to raise money for war. The institution has been
resuscitated in our time by the people of Europe and
America. But they should remember that in this they
only imitate the Arabs. When war came, Arabian tribes
would hold a gambling party. Whoever won had to bear
the greater part of the expenses of the war.