

Make Ourselves Better
Bitterness is such an intriguing thing. We feel sour, thinking that we might hold some secret key of power. But what does bitterness do to make us better?

Hatred is such a defining concept. We act cruel, just so that we can gain others' "approval." But what does hatred do to make us better?

Anger is such a common response. We feel rage, manifesting like a claustrophobic cage. But what does anger do to make us better?

Jealousy is such a visible emotion. We react with envy, pulling along the constant weight of it becomes heavy. But what does jealousy do to make us better?

Apathy is such a persistent thought. We pretend not to care, using excuses that we don't have the energy to be there. But what does apathy do to make us better?

Bitterness, hatred, anger, jealousy, and apathy all have the ability to control us or allow us to control them. Once and awhile we may fall into their grasp, but the important thing is that we are able to find our way back to ourselves. We question how we can become better, be better.
And so, I leave you with the question: what do You do to make yourself better?

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