

Mother, the epitome of love.
I reached a new place with the new mission but I am not happy at all. I want to go back home. I tried almost every step to make myself happy still then I failed to overcome the deep sadness. Back in my mind, someone is telling me this place is not designed for me and I should go back.

I cried every day and night. I had my first class test and I got just 8 out of 20, this is my first time scoring such a bad and horrible mark.

I called my mother, I told her everything that this place is not right for me but my mother's words change the direction of every decision.

she told me 'okay, come back but remember you are blocking the ways of angels and you are failing to become an exemplary sister to all angels.'. This world just gave me a huge pinch and wake me up from all the sadness.

I promised myself that I will overcome all the difficulties for my angels and I have to do something to improve my grade.

Sacrificing every enjoyment I have made my mind to study hard. Yes, after that I did well in my academic mark and I want to thank my mother for reminding me of the purpose of my life.

I promised to be fulfilled for the brighter future of my angels.