

Today I am talking about Lalita Devi, then see who was Lalita Devi? Why is she called the main sakhi ? And what did he serve Radharani? Who was she in the next Gaur Leela? And who were his followers?

Lalita Sriradharani's Kayavyuhasvarupini Priya, Lalita is the best of the eight Normasakhis. Another name is Anuradha. Pleasant sight, pleasant voice, pleasant smile, pleasant limb combination Lalita. Twenty-seven days older than Radharani. Mother's name is Sharda, father's name is Bishek. The husband's name is Bhairab. One and a half miles north-west of the monsoon is a high place called Unchagaon, the birthplace of Goddess Lalita. She was born on Shukla Ekadashi in the month of Sravan. Lalita's limbs are bright yellow according to Gaerachana. She often wears peacock tail garments. His temperament is very strong. Always keen on values, angry at man, relaxed by the protagonist and stern. The idea is pure fragmentation.
Srilalita is the principal of all the friends of Radharani. All the work in Radhamadhava's duet is under his control. She is an expert in the love affairs and conspiracies of Sri Sri Radhamadhava. If Krishna ever commits a crime against Radharani, she raises his face in anger towards Krishna. Surrounded by talented friends on the subject of Vigraha (quarrel) and Pauri Bad (proud sentence), answers and decisions, etc., she is more interested in quarrel-Vigraha. Radharani's two birds of prey are 'Suksmadhi' and 'Shubha' - they sing Radhamadhava's leela and sing strangely in a melodious voice. Lalita Devi is the composer and teacher of those songs. Lalita Devi specializes in making flower ornaments, umbrellas, beds, canopies, kunjabhabanas etc. Proficient in magic (magic, sorcery). Expert in writing riddles. Lalita Devi is the presiding deity of all the aged-maids-girlfriends who are engaged in the maintenance of flowers, betel-trees, betel-trees, etc. in the ‘Madnaenmadini Bati’, and in the making of garlands.

‌The eight companions in the group of Lalita Devi are Ratnaprabha, Ratikala, Subhadra, Bhadrarekha, Sumukhi, Dhanishtha, Kalhansi, Kalapini.

Swarup Daodar Goswami Lalit Devi Gaur in Leela
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