

Autumn in Spring
Introduction.. (just to see if people would read it)
Deep into a magical forest, there were many trees, spring had just begun, and the leaves on the branches started to grow. All of the trees were happy with this occurrence... Except for one, they called it the ''Autumn tree'', the tree that never grows any leaves, the tree that never brings life into the forest, it's appearance is shocking and cold, many hikers have avoided it. But no one could unsee the darkness that this tree held.. Every season is the same, every year also... But this year.. The tree finally broke character and had become something that none of us would ever think.. Frightened.
You see, in Spring.The autumn tree had to watch every single tree happy with their new leaves, all of them full of joy of having brought life to the forest again. The autumn tree never understood why his branches never grew anything. So he accepted it without even thinking profoundly. He never had a problem watching other tree's happiness.
But this year.. It took turn to unfortunate events.. The everlasting happiness became distasteful for the autumn tree. The amounts of envy broke him.. Giving into the feeling of fear and worry. In one second it lost all of the confidence it ever had.
He never understood his purpose.
He never accepted what he was.
And the more envious it was, the more the autumn tree broke.
For him, everything was obscure, unexplainable. He also wanted a piece of their happiness, of the trees that had the leaves, the hikers who would look at them and think about how beautiful they are.
Maybe that's how trees live and die.
The more joyful they are, the longer they live.
The more sad they are, the less they live....