

Elusive red love
And until today I just thought I would never fall in love again. But I am surprised, I am utterly in love once again even with more strenght than those ancient days. I've fallen in love with myself. This red blood is still running through my veins, feeding my thirsty heart to its core. Elusive inner love, today I secretly smile to have you once again, I thank you for hugging my bones, with you I am never alone. It is so magic, I close my eyes to feel the red of my blood, I realise I am fully alive, I can play my guitar, my heart is beating fast of joy, he is telling me that one more time I am capable of love, he is not closed, he just have some stitches but he is ok, still here, he has not gone.
I started today loving myself with all my passion, all my energy and strength.
It is hard to find someone to deserve this pure red love. So many crap, so many black blood hearts wandering out there. I just cannot wait until their black blood turns red. Just red, perfect red, clean red, big pure red, like my heart blood, like the roads within my brain that today are dancing happily in the circuits of my veins, having fun writing these words. I am fully enough, I'd rather stay with my red blood heart that finding a rotten black blood one. I don't want to intoxicate, finally I can breath fresh air again.
When it is time I will share this pure red love, I will mix this red blood with another red blood elusive heart. I know this new red heart is hard to find, I am the luckiest, I m pleased that I still have mine. Today it is beating with all its strength, Ive got so much red power, it is all mine, I've found out that I was looking for love in the wrong place. This love was always here, hiding there, lying in my heart all the time and it will never leave me, will never go away. I am in love with myself, this red magic will only fade away the day that I am dead.

New York

By Lesther Karina Nieves