

The Autumn Forest

The next morning was a Sunday and
Gillian after finishing her work Sat on the sofa and switched on the news channel to listen to the news when a news flashed that:
"Jim has fallen into the hands of pimps, but nobody knew where he was.
The police of Scotland yatch
were unable to find him ,and nobody
knew his whereabouts "
On Monday at about 9am in the
morning Gillian was getting ready for
office when she got a call from her office asking her to come as soon as possible.
Gillian got ready and stepped into her car.
Her office was not very far from her place of residence.
She reached at her office within half an hour as she was stuck in a traffic snarl, where during other weekdays the roads were somewhat empty.
Gillian was just entering her office when her boss asked her to come and meet him in his cabin.
She attended her boss's call and immediately went to his cabin, where Mr.Pinkle was sitting in his chair smoking a cigar.
She knocked at the door , and Mr .Pinkie answered in a heavy voice
" Come in".
Gillian walked in and with the same heavy voice he answered:
" Good morning Gill! and how are you today ?
it's a bright sunny day ain't it"?
she answered in a cool voice " yeah"!
it is indeed a sunny day.
Mr. Pinkle then pointed at a sofa chair just opposite to his table and asks Gill to be seated.
Gill sat down and was waiting for her boss to speak.
After a while Gill spoke up and asked
What happened Mike , why did you call me?
Mr Pinkle answered did you see the news yesterday?
Gill answered yes I did.
In a QUESTIONING voice Mike said:
" Don't know what this young lad was thinking when he became the victim.".
Gill answered even I don't understand
but I do know his mother Maria ,she is my housekeeper.
Mr.Pinkle got startled and said Oh! dear.
Gill said it's okay.
Then she asked "Mike , what am I supposed to do"?
Mr Pinkle, looked at Gill quietly and said in his voice ,This is your next assignment, you will be leaving for Sydney on Friday 26th July.
Gill looked at her boss and said
Why me Mike I am an ordinary "Criminal Psychologist" not some police cop, who will follow the trail of a lost young lad.
There is the police they are doing their job.
Mr Pinkle then answered " my dear young lady I couldn't find anyone better than you , you have a high level of IQ you are able to think or read the mind of a person and understand there psychology , you are able to find out ways to help the youth of today so that they can stay away from these culprits they are spoiling the whole society , you can help them to think clearly so that they use there minds in doing good for our society and the people of our country.
I do have friends in high places.
One of my friends son whose name is Robert Dawson will help you in this assignment.
I will give you his address and he will pick you up from the airport he will be carrying a placard with your name on it so that you won't have any problem there, I have already spoken to him.
Gill said okay Mike if you insist I am ready to go even my housekeeper
Maria will be happy to know that
i will be helping her to get back her son safely because she has done a lot for me since my parents are no more.
She has always helped me whenever I had any difficulty.
I owe this to her as she is a good woman.
on saying this Gill's boss said great !
He wished her Best of Luck! young lady may god bless you and hope you win.

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