

The introvert
There was a girl,who was introvert in nature,she never wanted to talk much with any of her friends except her parents.They were the real happiness for her.The girl was innocent and silent that'swhy so many of them used to tease her.Well it was fun for them,but she was so frustated by them.But she never raised her voice against them.
She used to be calm all the time.She started ignoring the teasers,It was really sad that her helpless situation is fun treat for the persons who used to tease her.She decided to be bold enough to face them.
Still same situation occurred no one taking her seriously.The interesting part was, the one who teases her were really intelligent in their studies.Whatever, behaviour is the most important factor than anything.
She always used to be ignorant of the teasers.Again the same story continued.......
The moral of the story is that we have to raise our voice in that kind of situations,otherwise people let you down and destroy your mental health.
© abhilasha_as016